I was born younger than most, weighing in at approximately 11 lbs. (child-bearing women gasp audibly).
Although mom played guitar my entire childhood, I never picked the damn thing up - waiting instead until I was 40. I suppose an acoustic guitar was my answer to the mid-life crisis - as it seemed cheaper than buying a motorcycle or banging the babysitter.
I had only wanted to write lyrics - a la Bernie Taupin - and I wrote hundreds of terrible lyrics for Don Foster in the late 70s and early 80s. I liked the idea of anonymous wealth - happy to let someone else enjoy the flop sweat, broken strings and sycophantic pawing of the fans.
But that sure as hell didn't work out; like high school poetry, everyone also writes lyrics.
So I bought a guitar and, assured my voice was "nice," started writing some melodies, with the regular and necessary encouragement of such notables as Mom, Rene, Al Hazan, Don Foster, Chris Brunelli, Mike Himebaugh, Scott Von and many more who are unlikely to read this far.
In the basement, trembling before an AKG C3000 condenser mic and a Roland VS-880EX (you can snap this dinosaur up for about $100 on eBay), demos were made and forced upon the public. Voila.