I like watching TV, playing with toys in the tub, chewing on toys, talking to and playing with Rupert my teddy bear, using my weapons, being on TV, playing with my friend at the park, going to daycare, playing with Janet, eating cookies, talking to brian, hanging out with death, and many other things.
I would like the meet death again, Jack the Ripper, Jason, Freddy Krueger, Edward Sicsor Hands, Mike Myers, Winnie The Pooh, Barney, The Teletubbies, Michael Jackson, and many others.
My ALL time favorite song is Wheels On The Bus By Raffi, Raffi is probably my favorite artist even though I like theme songs from barney and the teletubbies about the same. I also like the kids bop CD's beacuse they fill me with bunches of joy. I like many other kinds of music as well.
Oh, for movies I really like horror movies becuase they excite me, I also like the movies from barney, the teletubbies, and many more. Movies rock.
Oh for television I really like to watch Family Guy because I am in it. I also like American Dad, Futurama, Aqua Team Hunger Force, and Robot Chicken. But on a more serious note I LOVE to watch The Teletubbies, Barney, Scooby Doo, Tom and Jerry, There's Something About Stewie, and Jolly Farm.
Books, what to say about my books, my all time favorite book is GOODNIGHT MOON, because it is good, I also like ABC123 and Count with Me becuase they teach me things, I also like books by Dr. Suess because he is a funny funny man.
My heroes are death for sure becuase he rocks my world and my other heros and my weapons, and that one baby my mother "WAS" going to have but then he was destroyed, ah the times we could've had... Maybe some other time.