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Vodkatronik SoundLab

About Me



a tra poco !

VODKATRONIK was born on 2007 by the meeting of 3 different music styles: the elegant songwriting by Valentina Abbruzzese, the electro-minimal melody by –KEIN- and the expressive power of machines proposed by Hinobe. An expressive meltin' pot made with music, images and words who takes a look @ live performances.

[email protected]


VALENTINA ABBRUZZESE . Interested in experimental music forms, she focuses her works on vocal research. She began her musical education studying as soprano, playing, at the same time, jazz and blues guitar. Specialist in bossanova music, she took part of various stages and many projects as vocalist, arranger and composer. She performed in several locations, both Italian and foreign, proposing her vocal creativity imprinted to jazz, but opened to every kind of music. She studied in many schools and academies, like "Siena Jazz", "Saint Louis Music College", "Thelonious Monk", "Nuccio Fiorda", and currently at Music Conservatory "Nicola Sala" in Benevento. She released her song "Fracture" (music for four female voices, acusmatic sounds and sampled percussions) for "Quota Periscopica" compilation, and "Non Piove Più" (for piano, voice and sampled voices) featuring P. Testa at the piano, for "Opera Nuda" soundtrack, a short movie trilogy.
* "Quota Periscopica, uno sguardo sulla musica emergente in Molise".
* "Nudità."

Contacts and links:
[email protected]


-KEIN- is Roberto Giamberardino. He was born in Rome and grown up in Campobasso. When he was 14 he bought himself his first bass guitar and had music lessons that allowed him to perform at "Giovani, Giovanotti e Giovinastri", a famous event of the town. After playing bass in various bands, moving between punk, blues, rock and psychedelic music, various experiences in UK allowed him to deepen his understanding of electronica, drum & bass, and rave culture. After a short experience as breakz DJ, the solo -KEIN- project was born, the pseudonym of which shows his roots in previous digressions in hip-hop scene. After a long time “living together” with computers, softwares and keyboards, gets out “ Suburban Turntablism ”, the new work that You have ahead. This Ep is been released for a long while by various netlabels (pinkpube, taktalsmittel, FutureKomp...), but finally is now available on Nuhar Sweet ( Nuhar Records ).
" Fondle ", last song by -KEIN-, appears on " Broadcast " (a Cinoci Records compilation).

Contacts and links:
[email protected]


HINOBE (ex DJ Electro) bought himself his first Bontempi keyboard when he was nine. Meanwhile he studied flute and complementary piano in the Music Conservatory "N. Perosi" in Campobasso, but soon he left this classical study to perform in several bands and to increase his technological and software interests. So, when he was 21 he bought his first synth (Roland d-70), and involved in midi and digital world. His preferences are moved towards electronic music, that changed his listenings and his way to play. In these years, he discovered djing arts and bought a consolle that allowed him to perform like "Dj Electro", a drum&bass solo project. He begun to work in a radio station (Radio Hollywood) as technical wireless, where led for three years, with "Mc DK", two radio programs (“We are frequency”, “Low frequency”). Afterward, he returned to his first love and bought a groovebox (Roland MC 307). When he met "Elastik" (Silvio Corona), "Cymatic" was born: a project made with machines live set. He discovered other hardware and integrated his instumentation with many synths and samplers. In 2006 he met Valentina Abbruzzese and left Cymatic Project, so they started to play and create together, and in 2007 with –KEIN-, "Vodkatronik" electro-acoustic project was born.

Contacts and links:
[email protected]


vodk@contacts: [email protected]

Get a copy of
"Suburban Turntablism" (NuharRecords)
by -KEIN-

My Interests


Member Since: 10/14/2007
Band Members: Valentina Abbruzzese
(voice, guitar, keyboard, mac and percussions)

(bass guitar, laptop and midi controllers)

(piano, grooveboxes, synth and sampler)






Influences: Vodkatronik
Valentina Abbruzzese

Sounds Like:

Record Label: NuharRecords / CinociRecords (-KEIN-)
Type of Label: Indie