-KEIN- profile picture


-KEIN- 2.0 London Update 2008

About Me

-KEIN- is Roberto Giamberardino. He was born in Rome and grown up in Campobasso. When he was 14 he bought himself his first bass guitar and had music lessons that allowed him to perform at "Giovani, Giovanotti e Giovinastri", a famous event of the town.
After playing bass in various bands, moving between punk, blues, rock and psychedelic music, various experiences in UK allowed him to deepen his understanding of electronica, drum & bass, and rave culture.
After a short experience as breakz DJ, the solo -KEIN- project was born, the pseudonym of which shows his roots in previous digressions in hip-hop scene.
After a long while “living together” with computers, softwares and keyboards, gets out "Suburban Turntablism" , the new work You have ahead.
This Ep has been released for a long while by various netlabels (pinkpube, taktalsmittel, FutureKomp...), but finally is now available on Nuhar Sweet ( nuharrecords ).
Have a look at the stores' list.
" Fondle ", last song by -KEIN-, appears on Broadcast(a cinocirecords compilation) and has been presented @ " LONDON Glitch Night " (August 2008 - The Vibe Bar, Brick Lane, London).
At the moment -KEIN- is part of Vodkatronik SoundLab, an ElectroAcoustic music project.
For contacts, insults, greetings or everything is in Your head… [email protected] .

MSN contact: [email protected]

- pinkpube : "Playful indie electronica from new Italian artist" (March 2007)
- cinocirecords : "We are proud to welcome Italian bassist/DJ turned electronica producer -KEIN-! His release Suburban Turntablism (EP) is a fantastic blend of electronica, drum & bass, and hip hop."
"After playing bass in punk, blues and rock bands in his homeland of Italy, experiences in the UK introduced him to electronica, drum & bass, and the rave culture. Add a bit of Hip-hop to the mix and you have what
-KEIN- is today. Download his great release Suburban Turntablism (EP)!" (April 2007)
- taktalsmittel : "Kein ist unser neuer Künstler aus Italien. Er führt uns durch die Klick- und Klack-Musik seines Landes. Schön, denken wir und freuen uns auf den Urlaub am Meer."
"Unser neuer Künstler aus Italien...melodisches Beats pur." (April 2007)
- wiux radio : "If you like minimalist, experimental electronic music then give this album a listen. Kein combines the sounds of synthesizers, low drum beats, and sci-fi type effects creating a unique album perfect for experimental shows. In order to best decide if this album is for you, preview it beforehand or just give it a try! All songs are instrumental and, thus, FCC clean." (Shannon Larson - June 2007)
- nuharrecords and its myspace : "An intensive search of minimal sounds fusion with old atmosphere" (Nuhar Sweet - July 2007)
- vodkatronik "was born on 2007 by the meeting of 2 different music styles: the electro-minimal melody by –KEIN- and the expressive power of machines proposed by Hinobe. An expressive meltin' pot made with music and images who takes a look @ live performances." (October 2007)
- plgcb.net (September 2008)
- v7music
- Facebook
- send me an e-mail
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Thanks a lot for supporting -KEIN-!
"Non è vero che i videogiochi influenzano i bambini. Se fossimo stati plagiati da pac-man adesso passeremmo il nostro tempo libero in ambienti scuri, mangiando pllole magiche e ascoltando musica elettronica ripetitiva."
(K.Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989)


Available on Broadcast ( cinocirecords )
A comment about "Fondle" by my friend SirSickSik (Netherlands):
"Great track man, love the 'plucky' sounds. It really sounds as a very nice and sweet song made for a girl with whom you want to lie next to and just dream away together. very very nice indeed...
Good luck in the future"
Remco (September 2007)

Vodkatronik myspace

My Interests


Member Since: 2/11/2007
Band Website: dancerecords.com/artists/Kein
Band Members: -KEIN-

Influences: -KEIN-
Sounds Like: Me stesso / Myself



(Cinoci Records)
-KEIN- "Fondle"
Cinoci Records has been releasing quality electronic music since its establishment in 2005. After over 15 releases and with a strong artist roster including The Afteraffects, whose tracks have been BBC Radio Scotland’s ‘demo of the week’ on three occasions, the label has decided to create a stunning compilation of exclusive tracks from Cinoci Records’ artists.
Broadcast features eight tracks from some of the most exciting up-and-coming electronic artists out there! From the glitchy, beat-driven intro that is AkA’s Metal In My Body, through the evocative Renscue by reverie create, to the epic finale of Unknown’s MissKlach!, Broadcast takes the listener on a musical journey like no other!

Record Label: Nuhar Sweet (NuharRecords) CinociRecords
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Mi trovate anche su http://www.plgcb.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=artic le&id=108:-kein-&catid=1:artista-gai&Itemid=75 enjoy!...
Posted by -KEIN- on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:13:00 PST


I moved to United Kingdom and I'd like to play my stuff  in Greater London area (for free).   Suggestions accepted.   So, pls contact me if You know any chance in London (central, subu...
Posted by -KEIN- on Wed, 21 May 2008 03:13:00 PST