If you have reached this spot in the vast sea of the internet, and you like what you listen/hear/see that's only because you either are a gentleman of incredibly distinguished taste or a woman whose beauty is far beyond the realm of this physical world.
Next Shows:
Photo by "Jube"
MHV Live @ Pasaguero (Fucked up Dubstep set).
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
-- Hunter S. Thompson
Thanks for visiting!
Now, If you have a minute, please listen to the tunes.
Have a nice day/night.
A gift:
MHV - EP 777
(Click to download!)
Please download it and spread the virus as soon as you can, I'll keep giving away MORE music, but it's up to you, and the numbers. So far, just very few people have downloaded my free stuff, so, please help me keep this up.
Support your local artists, or at least the real independent ones.
Now, with you, ladies and gentlemen the lame ass "about me" section!:
Wtf is MHV?
"MHV" stands for Miguel Herrera Vega (pretty boring huh?, I know, but you can use it as "Mike and His Virus", Music Hack 5 or whatever you want).
The project born around 1999 and since then I've been releasing music independently in very, I mean,VERY limited editions and then giving away the cd's to friends, girlfriends and other nice people around me.
Later I started doing the same thing trough the internet (some regular oldschool stuff such as cd's and lp's would be nice to have, tho).
It's all about love, baby!.
About me,
I was born in the mid 80's in Mexico city. I use old computers, old software, old keyboards and whatever other old gear to make my music, graphics, video and stuff.
About the music,
Well, in few words my music is just an experimetal approach to space, rhythm and/or melody. I have never ever earned a nickel of profit with it (though, the other way would be lovely too).
That's it.
If you wanna get bored and confused, keep reading the following mistranslated stuff, tho I should erase it soon.
His microscopic datailed music show us a brand new world of sonic posibilities where Hip hop, funk, noise, idm, ambient and jazz melt creating his unique sound. It is also an interesting point of view of the world today (you know, all digital and as consecuence, glitchy and hackeable).
In the mid 90's he starts to experiment with sound and recording techniques. In 2002 he joins the cultural collective "Discos Konfort" and in 2005 he creates Metazentrum in an effort to support and help promote the electronic-experimental music created in Mexico city.
Main projects:
-MHV: It's an experimental production based project. It's his take on pop music, the place where the bounds and struggles between Experimental and Pop music seem to disappear and slightly melt together (accoring to his theories, any track with rhythm and/or melody of any kind falls into the Pop music category)
It has been said that it is actually some sort of Hi Tech Punk.
-Metaculto: Is an electro-acustic, sound design - ambient exploration.
-MHV+Zofa are the "laptop fans"
-Hz+MHV are working right now in a brand new band.
... There are much more stuff.
Miguel Herrera Vega, Nacido a mediados de los 80 en la ciudad de Mexico, es un artista multimedia y musico Mexicano perteneciente al colectivo Konfort.
A mediados de los 90 se acerca por primera vez a la musica experimental y poco despues comienza a producir sus primeros trabajos. En 2002 se une al colectivo Discos Konfort de manera activa en un esfuerzo por apoyar y ayudar difundir la creciente escena experimental e Independiente en la ciudad de Mexico. En 2005 funda el concepto multimedia llamado Metazentrum que retomaria a principios de 2007 como colectivo artistico.
Entre sus proyectos "musicales" se encuentran:
-Metaculto: Basado en la exploracion electroacustica y digital experimentando con espacio, sonido, concepto y estructura.
-MHV: Proyecto que investiga a fondo los pormenores de la interacción -ya sea sutil o forzada- entre la musica experimental y variados conceptos de la musica Popular, llegando a un punto de integración en el cual las lineas divisoras entre géneros se cancelan mutuamente y adonde también se corrompen y re-transforman con libertad el ritmo, la forma y la melodÃa.
A presentado su trabajo en la Sala Nezahualcoyotl, el Museo Rufino Tamayo, La Coleccion Jumex, Museo Experimental El Eco, Exteresa Arte Actual, Alianza Francesa, Observatorio(Morelia Michoacan) Centro Cultural España, Teatro de la Ciudad (Tuxtla-Chiapas), asi como Tamabien una serie de presentaciones en la Ciudad de Tokyo en Japon.
Minimas Texturas 007(Konfort),
XTAA 10 años (ex Teresa Arte Actual)
Minimas Texturas 009(Konfort)
Noches e Verano Remixes (Filtro.com.mx)
V.A. Elektrospace2 (electro-space.com)
V.A. Dark Polka Remixes (Timeless Enterprises)
Region 4 (filtro.com.mx)
ep777 (Konfort, Metazentrum)
Data (Konfort)
NucleoRoto 01 (Nucleo roto)
5.0 Electrónica Mexicana Contemporánea (CCE, Somos Cooperación Española)
Entre otros.
[email protected]@discoskonfort.com
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
MHV..s partial discography:
Para finalizar, me gustaria dejar muy claro que no soy partidario de ningun genero en particular ni de sus filosofias vacias y superficiales, mucho menos de alguno que se declare pseudo-underground, disque-vanguardista, supuesto-inteligente, chaki-hardcore, wannabe-gangsta y demás. Es por eso que al hacer uso de algun sonido o genero especifico en mis producciones no le llamo sino pop y nadamas.