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make each moment count!

About Me

Myspace Backgrounds
I'm a former director of a local Austin wellness center, massage therapist now retired, sound therapist, sound meditation instructor, writer/poet, etc, etc... Digital video is my new passion and exploration. I'm teaching myself editing and production as I go along, I'm fascinated and aspire to create documentaries on local artists, musicians, and anyone who lives and colors outside the lines!
Check out my new website!

"Fanning the Flames" The video...What would you love to create today? Create it now!
Click on the logo just below this video for more information.

My latest video creation Peace NOW "The End of Suffering"
Spoken word soundtrack by Thich Nhat Hanh

Here's one possible solution for deforestation and global warming!
Ween's music video "Transdermal Celebration"

.. height="350" width="425"
India Arie ft John Mellencamp - Peaceful World

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"An Inconvenient Truth" click the start button to view the trailer below!
Get this video and more at

My Interests

Sound therapy and sound healing,the power of the wrtten word & spoken word, research & development,film, photography, videography,writing, poetry,Rumi, promoting partnership, video production, hiking, pilates, meditation, conscious evolution,,,,

ONE the movie, check this out!!!.."425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to make some new friends, if you are a creative and imaginitive thinker, take delight in creating partnerships and community, then I'd love to talk to you!I'm always open to witness life as it unfolds, perhaps one of those friendships can evolve into a wonderful partnership!

Consciousness - an animation of spirit. .. width="425" height="350" ..


Most music with the exception of hard core rap and death metal polka.

Mindy Smith - Come to Jesus,,, the video below!

Get this video and more at

Jack White's Raconteurs "Level" Old school meets the bleedin' edge! .. width="425" height="350" ..


Linkin Park "What I've Done" Take responsibility, create Peace NOW!


Check out my fun little video project, the big ass pillowfight down on Auditorium Shores April of last year!

Get this video and more at Austin Pillow Fight Club video, Thursday April 6th, 8:00 pm @ Auditorium Shores!


yep, a whole bookcase full. Colman Barks Interpretation of Rumi's love poems, My Reane Eisler collection (still haven't finished sacred pleasure)Peter Russel, Morihei Ueshiba, Chogyam Trungpa, Mariann Williamson, Depak Chopra, Daniel Odier, Power vs. Force, Tao Te Ching come to mind,,,,


Rumi, Gandi, the Dalai Lama, My Father and Mother, Sister (cancer surviver 5 years -yeah!) anyone who does the right thing in the face of adversity or contrary opinion, those who are truly committed to service!

My Blog

Unleash the Power of Your Creativity; A Success Story!

Unleash The Power of your Creativity; A Success Story! Are you experiencing life in its fullest measure or do you like most of us, have dreams and visions that you have yet to realize?  What stor...
Posted by geo on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:36:00 PST

Famous dudes that look like me!

Posted by geo on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:34:00 PST

A guide to fearlessness in difficult times...The Excellence of Bodhichitta

The Places that Scare You by Pema Chodron A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times To Amazon      The Excellence of Bodhichitta It is only with the heart that one can see righ...
Posted by geo on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:15:00 PST

Harmonic Sound Demo & Consultation

For those of you that may be curious about the work I do with sound and harmonics, just fire off an email to me and I'll send you info on how you can receive a complimentary demonstration and consulta...
Posted by geo on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:57:00 PST

your best life now !

Your Best Life Now! ...
Posted by geo on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:41:00 PST

It does us no good,,,

It does us no good to hide from our greatness, nor our divinity. We each have brought ourselves to this place to become. God now invites us to move boldly, to enter in to each day with passion, ima...
Posted by geo on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:43:00 PST

Cultivating Partnership and Harmony in our Relationships and Communication

Excerpted from "Personal Alchemy"  Copyright George Green 2004   Cultivating Partnership and Harmony in our Relationships and Communication   At the same time we are making peace with o...
Posted by geo on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:47:00 PST

Seduction Style

Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover eal-lover.jpg" height="100" width="100">You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires.An...
Posted by geo on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:16:00 PST


stand     stone around heart cracks then shatters fragments of suffering past gather at our feet as if bowing to courage to a spirit hungry ready and willing to stand   let y...
Posted by geo on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 12:20:00 PST