Gun. Shooting Gun at the target in my apartment. Bazookas, grenades, bows, violence, building guns in a bottle, stopping street slime that run rampant through the city, the NRA, gun shows, and a good sports jacket.
Anyone who loves excessive violence as much as I do, and if you are out there John Cogan, I could meet with you again anytime at our usual place. I'd also like to meet George W. Bush the only president I ever voted for, and voted for him three times.
I like the explosions in the 1812 overture, they get me pumped up to do my job. My favorite song is "Taps".
I always watch the occasional Stalone movie, but "Apocalypse Now" makes me feel good every time I see it, and "Deer Hunter" is my favorite comedy.
"The Million Dollar Question" is a game show I watch sometimes. "Divorce Court" is my favorite game show, because they give away the best prize. Most TV is too dishonest, like CSI and Law and Order. There is no planting of evidence or excessive violence. I will dish out the Law and Order. Plus, there is this show called Survivor and no one dies.
War and Peace is my favorite book. Well the first half is anyway. I also enjoyed "Vietnam Crisis", "Jaws", "Cyborg", and "Samurai".
Gil "Kablam" Yates has been my hero since I first became a cop. I modeled my career after his. Also, I can't forget Gun.