JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? profile picture

JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT???

Power is a Figure of Light ... Catch It!

About Me

WHAT WE DO?The Main Dealer Media Group is the paramount source for quality marketing/promotions in the northeast region. Our principles are in "Delighting the Customer." Our work ethic is proven and creditable. We have many avenues necessary to create a highly visable campaign or event all designed to fullfill your vision. From the start of your "idea" to making it blossom, M.D.M.G. has you covered. "Image is Everything" whether large or small, and that delivery is dependent to the mainstream. We're more interested in making a lasting impression imprinted to your clientele.
Your Dealer in Urban Marketing and Promotions. MUSIC. EVENTS. FASHION. PRODUCTS/SERVICES. GRAPHIC DESIGN. PRINTING. POSTERS. FLIERS. WE ARE YOUR DEALER!Whether you are an Artist who is trying to create a buzz to a National Artist who is lookin to "Break" a record, or to a company intersted in branding a product. WE ARE YOUR DEALER!THE MAIN DEALER MEDIA GROUP Here is our synopsis:
Rule No. 1. - You must get a prospects ATTENTION. (Your style should be built around moving emotions.)

Rule No. 2. - You must create audience INTEREST ( Your Image is the most important part of an advertisement.)

Rule No. 3. - You must arouse the audiences DESIRE. (By focusing on all the benefits they will receive.)

Rule No. 4. - Your ad must move them to ACT. (Informing the reader exactly what it is you what them to do. - Know About Product or Buy!)

www.themaindealer.com © info@themaindealer.com (216) 323-9043
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/18/2005
Band Website: themaindealer.com
Band Members:

Sounds Like: B.O.B.
Hot Single: Haterz Everywhere
MIXTAPE: Hi My Name Is B.O.B. mixed by: Mick Boogie & Terry Urban
Home: East Atlanta, GA.
Label: Rebel Rock/B Rich Entertainment/Atlantic Records
B.O.B.Hi My Name Is B.O.B. // Mick Boogie & Terry Urban The name B.O.B. has many acronyms ...Business Ova Bullshit is the one I luv the most. I've been following this young, gifted, talented, musician; I would say Artist, but that would be a complete understatement for a man who creates envolking music. "Haterz Everywhere" was the first song I heard and felt that captivated me to follow his style. I asked a friend of mine TJ from TJ's DJ's, how can a an artist expect to have longevity in this music industry? He replied "Depth," an artist has to create depth with the fans.Depth??? Certaintly TJ was right & has defenitely made me a witness to such a strong word. Today everyone is an "artist," but how many have been endorsed by a major clothing company coming out the gate? "Haterz Everywhere" is more than just a song when you do big things with a company like LRG.B.O.B. who has been signed for a little bit over a year to Rebel Rock/B Rich Entertainment/Atlantic is destined to make waves in the industry. With a new Mixtape out called "Hi My Name Is B.O.B." mixed by Mick Boogie & Terry Urban (CONGRATS) is a smash.Grab a hold of this banger anyway you can, through 600 LRG Stores Worlwide , or through this Click Here to Download B.O.B. Mixtape Hi My Name Is B.O.B., the mixtape introduces a new style of music that stands out along with the next summer jam "Grip Your Body" ft. Amy Winehouse prod. by Kutt the Check. Whew, amongst the many produced tracks by Jim Jonson, along with strong piano, & guitar strung beats; B.O.B. has the originality which will equal alot of origins of money in the future.B.O.B. is here to stay, I stamp that! His flow is distinct & very creative to capture a diverse crowd of fans who love songs with a message, along with a beat to dance too. Could he be the savior for the slogan & resurrect "Hip Hop Is Dead" with a breath of life? Well, I think he has brought back the pulse into Hip Hop, that has been faintly beating. Hi, his name is B.O.B.Review By: 2one6.com MagazineBy: ShimmyCLICK below to View Skent Dukes VideoCLICK BELOW 4 Chip Tha RipperCLICK BELOW 4 TUM TUM / DSRCLICK BELOW 4 RICH BOY
Get this video and more at MySpace.comCLICK BELOW 4 RAY CASHRay Cash Interview

Add to My Profile | More VideosCLICK BELOW 4 BIG NEIL..Blood Raw aka Mr. Florida
Hot Single: I'm A Ghetto Star / Ride Tonite
Home: Panama City, Florida
Label: DEF JAM / CTE / Blood Raw Ent.
BLOOD RAW a.k.a. MR Florida
With a last name "raw," there is no wonder why Blood Raw chose to sign with CTE (Young Jeezy’s imprint CTE Records) & Def Jam. As they call him "Mr. Florida," he explains the Lavish and the Snitching life of the gun shine state. Blood defines why he is the uncut raw lifestyle where money comes real fast, & they ride Chevy’s w/ 24's with the digi dashes. Overstanding the Federal System which has a 98% Conviction Rate, & riding to his mixtape Indictment Papers, (Hosted by DJ Drama). Blood, teaches through his raspy words how it feels to be hit with those indictment papers, not to snitch, & beating a case that would have sentenced him to life behind bars. Becoming the first Florida artist on DJ Dramas Gangsta Grillz mixtape series, & Bigga Rankins R.N.R. mixtape; Blood Raw defines what "will make you laugh, will make you cry!"By: The Main Dealer
Record Label: Don't Talk It - Live It Ent. L.L.C.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Models Artists

Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 11:07:00 PST

Source Tour july 18, 2008

Press Release: Source Un-Signed Hype Artist PerformanceDate: Fre, 18 July 2008 SOURCE MAGAZINE UN-SIGNED HYPEThank you for you inquiry regarding the 2008 Source Un-Signed Hype & Digital Dimepiece ...
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:07:00 PST

& WE JUST gettin WARM!

WE brought you the 1st. Edition of 2one6.com Magazine feat. AVIA yeah ...We Can Make some Superstars ... 2one6 Magazine Just brought you FAT JOE & Next BUN B  3/5/08 & now the 2nd. E...
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:17:00 PST

Check out this event: Bun B LIVE ... Return of The Trill // UGK 4 Life

Hosted By: LOG ONTO www.2one6.com to VIEW THE MAGAZINE When: Wednesday Mar 05, 2008 at 9:00 PMWhere: Metropolis Nightclub2325 Elm Street / West Bank of The FlatsCleveland, Ohio|36 44117United StatesDe...
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 06:15:00 PST

2one6.com Magazine

Welcome to 2one6.com! Cleveland's premiere entertainment service provider. Our magazine is like none other, because it was thoughtfully created to bridge the gap between businesses,&nb...
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 12:38:00 PST


div.myspace-scrollbox {height:400;width:500;background-color:000000;font-family:Ar ial;font-size:10pt;color:FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;text-align: left;border-width:2;border-style:solid;border-color:cccccc.. .
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 02:36:00 PST


M - Mind ... Over Matter / Train your mind to work for the better within yourself, worrying about others or your condition is fruit-less. Do You & Do What You Say What You Want To Do! O - Ove...
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:22:00 PST

Check out this video: Rich Boy Interview

Posted By:www.THEMAINDEALER.comGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 06:46:00 PST

Knowledge of self

MAN KNOW THYSELF  For man to know himself is for him to feel that for him there is no human master. For him Nature is his servant, and whatsoever he wills  in Nature, that shall be his ...
Posted by JULY 18, 2008 SOURCE ... WILL U BE NEXT??? on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:45:00 PST