veganism, track bikes, Mixed martial Arts, brazilian jiu jitsu, muay thai, animal liberation, vegan bbqs, green anarchy, crimethinc, kickball, people watching, boardgames,
people who think farting and boners in public are funny.
chokehold, earth crisis, undying, zegota, definace ohio, portishead, aesop rock, day of suffering, sage francis, gather, bloodlet, abnegation, giant, tears of gaia, catharsis, 7 generations, attrition
welcome to the dollhouse, american beauty, the revolution will not be televised, happiness, pulp fiction, spellbound, memento, casino, how's your news?, the weather underground, palindromes, anchorman, blades of glory
the Sopranos, the office, Arrested D, The Soup
Days of War Nights of Love (crimethinc), Pacifism as Pathology (churchill), evasion ("anonymous"), ishmael (quinn), weapons of mass deception (stauber), Culture of Make Believe (jensen- best book ever written), On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (Churchill), Endgame (Jensen)
anyone who stands up for what they believe in, regardless of the consequences.