CheR profile picture


Just Me!!

About Me

About me… I am an open minded, optimistic, and laid back individual. I’m really crabby if I don’t get enough sleep or when I’m hungry.My priorities lie between my family and friends who all mean the world to me. I am THE ONE that my friends goes to when they need something, when they need a shoulder to cry on, to stand by their side when they get stabbed by a “PYSCHO” (literally speaking), when they want to go out, when they want to eat, when they need a drivers license when they get pulled over going 100 mph while drinking on a suspended license and I am in passenger seat sleeping half naked in my own car n ended up in jail for a day for the ticket 3 months later, when they want to shop, when they want to play spy tech on their significant other, when they need an ID because their not 21 yet and get it taken away walking in right after me thinking the bouncer wouldn't notice, when they need a person to vouch for their presence incase their significant other asks, when they want to go on vacation, when they want to take a shot of Bookers and watch me throw up, when they want to smoke, when they need to someone to reason with their over-analyzations because they have nothing better to do then over analyze everything and anything, when they want to someone to talk to, when they need a library card and never return the 23 books they borrowed, when they want to sneak off to a different club leaving all our friends/boyfriends and come back after closing trying to convince everyone we were there the whole time, and when they need to be told the truth as harsh as it is like telling you that your significant other is a complete greaseball who wears MC Hammer pants and embarrassing to be out in public with which is okay, but since he acts like an arrogant asshole, doesn’t quite work out.OK SO I HAVENT UPDATED THIS SINCE I GOT TANGLED IN THIS WEB IN '03....SO I GUESS U CAN SAY THINGS CHANGE IN 3 YEARS...N EVERYONES BUGGIN ME TO CHANGE IT THUS I SHALL ADD...SO I RETIRED ON THE MAKERS MARK N THE BOOKERS...THANKS 2 SONIA N VIC FOR FEEDING ME A DOUBLE SHOT OF DEATH DURING DRUNK DODGEBALL N I BROKE OUT IN HIVES AND THREW UP THE WHOLE NIGHT!I AM ALSO BARELY ON THIS THING, SO DONT GET OFFENDED IF I DONT RETURN MESSAGES FOR A MONTH OR SO. N ONE DAY ILL ACTUALLY ADD SOME COLOR TO THIS PAGE, BUT IM NOT THAT COMPUTER SAVY WHICH IS REALLY IRONIC CONSIDERING I GRADUATED IN THE IT FIELD. ..

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My Blog

i know i know....

i know... that my pictures are from when i first when on this thing a couple years ago. but not to worry, they will be changed one day, someday, hopefully soon.  but thank u all ...
Posted by CheR on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 07:02:00 PST