..Mission Statement
..The mission of MamaTales LLC is to sponsor the educational, communal, emotional, and financial welfare of mothers and their children. MamaTales LLC deem in making possible a sympathetic and nurturing setting. The program aspires to assist mothers become financially independent and able to deal with the responsibilities and commitment of rearing a healthy family and contributing to the economic and cultural development of society. Gaining a circle of trust and Lifelong Friends.
En Francais
..La mission du LLC de MamaTales est de commanditer le bien-être éducatif, communal, émotif, et financier des mères et de leurs enfants. Le LLC de MamaTales considèrent en rendant un réglage sympathique possible et consolidant. Le programme aspire pour aider les mères deviennent financièrement indépendant et capable traiter les responsabilités et l'engagement d'élever une famille en bonne santé et du contribution au développement économique et culturel de la société.Gagner un cercle de confiance et d'amis perpétuels
En Espanol
..La misión del LLC de MamaTales es patrocinar el bienestar educativo, comunal, emocional, y financiero de madres y de sus niños. El LLC de MamaTales juzga en la fabricación posible de fijar comprensivo y de consolidación. El programa aspira asistir a madres llega a ser financieramente independiente y capaz de ocuparse de las responsabilidades y de la comisión de alzar a una familia sana y de contribuir al desarrollo económico y cultural de la sociedad. Ganar un cÃrculo de la confianza y de los amigos de por vida
..In Italiano
La missione del LLC di MamaTales è di patrocinare il benessere educativo, comunale, impressionabile e finanziario di madri e dei loro bambini. Il LLC di MamaTales ritiene nel rendere possibile una regolazione simpatica e di consolidazione. Il programma aspira aiutare le madri diventa finanziariamente indipendente ed in grado di occuparsi delle responsabilità e dell'impegno di elevazione della famiglia in buona salute e di contribuire allo sviluppo economico e culturale della società . Guadagnare un cerchio di fiducia e degli amici lifelong
Em português
A missão do LLC de MamaTales é patrocinar o bem-estar educacional, communal, emocional, e financeiro de mães e de suas crianças. O LLC de MamaTales julga em fazer possÃvel um ajuste sympathetic e nurturing. O programa aspires ajudar a mães torna-se financeira independente e capaz de tratar das responsabilidades e do compromisso de elevar uma famÃlia saudável e de contribui-la ao desenvolvimento econômico e cultural da sociedade. Ganhando um cÃrculo da confiança e de amigos lifelong
..Is MamaTales LLC a Non-Profit Org?MamaTales LLC is not a non-profit organization. We are currently licensed in the state of California as a Limited Liability Company. However, we do have community ties with several non-profit organizations and welcome the chance to support your community organization.
It has come to my attention that people of
accomplishment rarely sat back and
let things happen to them.
They went out and happened to things~Leonardo Da Vinci ..
~Motherhood is emblematic of racial unity. It doesn't discriminate, and we all can overcome
GOD BELIEVES IN YOU"~Count of Monte Cristo ..
.. "The problem with being brutally honest in communicating with other people,
is that it often ends up creating more brutality than honesty in communications." ..
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