119 Gallery profile picture

119 Gallery

119 Chelmsford St. Lowell, MA

About Me

Founded in 1992, 911 Gallery first opened its doors at 911 E Main Street in Indianapolis, IN. It gained worldwide recognition in 1994 when it became one of the first art galleries to exhibit artwork on the World Wide Web. Its exhibits have been published in print media including ARTnews, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Art New England, The Boston Globe, and Lowell Sun.
911 Gallery moved to Fort Point Channel in Boston, MA, in 1996, where it hosted exhibits and participated in Open Studios. In 1997 the gallery co-coordinated a digital printmaking workshop at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC , and joined the steering committee of the Boston Cyberarts Festival, for which it has produced more than a dozen exhibitions over four festivals.
In July 2005 the gallery opened in Lowell. 119 Gallery, renamed for its new address at 119 Chelmsford Street, is less than a mile from the downtown Lowell. The gallery is divided into a storefront cyber café and office, and main gallery. In its first year, the gallery hosted six exhibits, six workshops, several special events, several ongoing series, and dozens of music, dance and video performances.
The mission of 119 Gallery is to expand our community's vision of creative possibilities through exposure to contemporary and new media art, innovative ideas and cutting-edge techniques. The gallery offers a rich and diverse program of exhibitions, performances and community-based arts services; and welcomes people of all ages, backgrounds and means to explore, engage, and experience new, innovative art.
911 Electronic Media Arts Inc dba 119 Gallery is a 501(c)(3) educational corporation. We look forward to partnering and collaborating with local, national, and international artists and organizations.

My Interests

This site is checked irregularly by Steve 'Rat' Albert and maybe others. For the most up-to-date information please visit our real site.

I'd like to meet:

The 119 family is always looking to meet new artists, new musicians (local & international) who would like to play at our gallery, new people to come see the exhibits and hear live music, and new friends of all ages!

Add our banner (seen above) to your profile!!
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For band bookings, please contact bookings [at] 119gallery.org. For all other bookings, contact Walter Wright (who can be found at the top of 119's friends). Over the past few years we have hosted a wide variety of music and events; including, but not limited to: dance parties, rock bands, noise shows, electronic music, experimental music, acoustic shows, punk shows, and more.
There's always something going on.


Info about screenings coming soon.

My Blog

September 2008

7 (Sunday): Improv workshop (4-6pm) and performance (8pm). With Tim Mungenast on guitar, bells and fx, Joe Brown on guitar, looping, Michael Bloom on bass, guitar, prepared guitar, Irish bouzouki, and...
Posted by 119 Gallery on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:54:00 PST

Coming up @ The 119 Gallery

Sat, May 10, 8pm  11pmMULTI MEDIA IMPRO MPTU 3Micha el Bloom , table top guita r & bass; Eric Crawl ey, keybo ards & elect ronic percu ssion ; Karen Langl ie, augme nted cello ; Docto r T, v...
Posted by 119 Gallery on Wed, 07 May 2008 02:13:00 PST

Shows for April 2008

119 Chelmsford St LowellPlain St exit off the Lowell ConnectorVisit www. YouTube. com/119gallery for video directions.Friday April 4th, 8-11pm: Drag Show produced by Rondeau & Peter VethSat, Apr 5, 11...
Posted by 119 Gallery on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:46:00 PST