Let the entire redemptive work of Jesus be fully realized and made manifest on planet earth.
E-mail your prayer requests to the shrine. (Send Message)
When you receive an answer to your prayers, post a thanksgiving message in the Comments Section as a testimony to the Power of God.
Your good report will encourage others to seek God's help and assistance as well.
Handel's Messiah, Celtic Woman, Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Liquid Mind, Peter Alexander, Richard Wagner, IZ.
Jesus of Nazareth, Ben Hur, The Ten Commandments, Sister Act.
Amen, Highway to Heaven, Touched By An Angel, The Simpsons.
The Holy Bible. (Especially the Gospel of John. Awesome!)
Jesus Christ, Pope John Paul II, Sister Theresa, St. Peter, St. John the Baptist, Mary Mother of Jesus, St. John the Revelator, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Billy Graham, Aimee Semple McPhereson.