I am a student of life...a constant seeker of knowledge...and thus, I enjoy living passionately, speaking my truth and recognizing it in others, happiness, being creative, wholistic lifestyles, health, alternative healing modalities, travel, astrology, tarot, mysticism,crystals & stones, the human body/mind/spirit, making others feel good, outdoor activities, beautiful beaches, gorgeous mountain hikes, wildlife, nutrition, dancing, making wishes upon shooting stars, hypnotherapy, yoga, quantum physics, designing jewelry, feng shui, flying in my dreams, floating in water, personal growth, spreading joy- love- and light, live music, making money and of course...enlightenment
Free Spirits and Positive Thinkers!
If it moves me, I like it!
Elephant paints Self Portrait!!!
Nope, not into it...I don't even have cable!
Yes...I love to read...mostly books on health and well-being...and that which sparks the imagination!
All creative people who dare to manifest their dreams, give love unconditionally,and spread joy & positivity always!