Intelligence . respect . quirks . silent conversations had through subtle body language . dope, intricate handshakes . trendsetting . intense passionate connections . people who get it . people who say brilliant things with simple terms . good spelling and grammar . creating new words and phrases . people with good taste in hip hop . inside jokes . language . new monikers that begin to catch on . feeling like I’m a part of something . the minds of true musicians . anthropology . spicing up simple actions with dramatic gestures . beautiful minds . ancient history . do-it yourself . martial arts . the science channel . philosophy . connective people . bringing back slogans and phrases . complex people who compel me to want to solve them like puzzles . photography . Egyptology . Polaroid transfers . inventors . innovators . tv . eccentric attributes . fluffy kittens . people who make me laugh . technology . computers . really talented breakdancersIntelligence . respect . quirks . silent conversations had through subtle body language . dope, intricate handshakes . trendsetting . intense passionate connections . people who get it . people who say brilliant things with simple terms . good spelling and grammar . creating new words and phrases . people with good taste in hip hop . inside jokes . language . new monikers that begin to catch on . feeling like I’m a part of something . the minds of true musicians . anthropology . spicing up simple actions with dramatic gestures . beautiful minds . ancient history . do-it yourself . martial arts . the science channel . philosophy . connective people . bringing back slogans and phrases . complex people who compel me to want to solve them like puzzles . photography . Egyptology . Polaroid transfers . inventors . innovators . tv . eccentric attributes . fluffy kittens . people who make me laugh . technology . computers . really talented breakdancers
People who are…
Connective . Compassionate . Perceptive . Reliable . Fun . Full of good energy . Chill . Easy to be around . Quirky . Brilliant . Emotive . Hip . Stylish . Street smart . Audiophiles . Inventors. Innovators .
And people who…
know what respect means . look out for me . have good rhythm . connect with people on a deeper level . can have silent conversations with you or are able to know what you need without you having to say it . make me laugh . are innovative . can make me melt . have good spelling and grammar and use of language . have flavor and character . can breakdance . have good intentions . start trendsView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
slowly downward by stanley donwood
meh - ....