Jesus, Revival, Reform, and Revolution: Hostile takeover of the One World Order through the establishment of the Kingdom of God NOW! and in millenial reign of Jesus Christ!
I'd like to meet:
Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, I would like to have heard the Apostle Paul preach and then pray with him. I would like to have met Leonard Ravenill, and most of the people I put in the heros section. I would like to meet David Wilkerson and Art Katz. I don't know, I guess that is it for now.
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Hymns(redone or original. Listen to edifying hymns!
I cannot emphasize enough the spiritual revolution this video interview of this men of God has had on my life. I pray it has the same impact on yours. God Bless you as you strive to hear the words of God in a day that they are scarce. In this video there are 2 fellows that are interviewing Leonard Ravenhill but primarly they just let him share his heart on revival and different men of God used in the past, many of who Ravenhill met or listened to as a child.
Not A Payer In Hell (Video Sermon)G.A. Jarquin Preaches on the agonies of Hell, from a viewpoint of prayer. Hell suffocates and torments the prayer life out of the damned...there is not a single prayer in hell! We Christians need to intercede for others who well one day not be able to pray in hell.
Frame Withering Prayer(Video Sermon) - G.A. Jarquin Preaches on Frame Withering prayer. This is an intense message and call to intercession to the whole body of Christ...
The Triuine Godhead: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, God who alone is wise and eternal, and dwells in light unapproachable! After this Ultiamate Hero of all mankind none can really compare but I proceed with those lesser beings who have influenced me. First Pastors: Ray Comfort and Living Waters Staff...
Evangelism Resources
,Harvest staff, Calvary Chapel Bible College staff, all the Fellowship of the Burning Heart. Also grand champions that have gone before us who eavesdrop as we meander about deciding whether we will follow in their footsteps, the saints and the community of ressurrected faith filled saints in the presence of the Almighty such as: Leonard Ravenhill, Rev. Charles G. Finney, President Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, John Bunyan, Charles H. Spurgeon, Evan Roberts, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe Fenelon, Madame Guyon, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox of Scotland, John Wesley, George Mueller, Joseph Alliene, Smith Wigglesworth, Elijah, Elisha, Nahum, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Apostle Paul the Least of all Saints and Filth of the World, Apostle Peter, Apostle John the Loved, St. Mark, Apostle Barnabas, Stephen the Martyr, and others I can't remember right now but will add later.