The Upside-Down Kingdom (Matthew 5-7), pulling souls out of the fire before its too late. You feel me? That is all that matters in this life. That's how important we are to God. How rewarding is a new creation in Christ Jesus? Click on the pic & listen to the Gospel that saved us-
Ray Comfort,
Leonard Ravenhill, Ravi Zacharias, AW Tozer, the sinner (which I am chief),
the Unsaved, the pharasee, those who die for Christ daily, people who can keep me humble (that's a full time job maen!) and
those righteous-cats from Fire on the
Question: Are you a good person? By who's standards of good? You might say "Yea, I am a pretty good person. I mean there are others worse than myself, like Hitler and so on." But even Hitler judged goodness by his own standards. He believed he was good but we know differently. By who's standards are you a good person?Submit your comments here...
80s music, Christian Rock, Christian Rap, Christmas music. All those Christian artist on my FRIENDS SPACE page.
The Greatest Story Ever Told, Marx Brothers, Bob Hope, Roy Rogers, Star Wars trilogy, The Patriot, BraveHeart, The Passion, Field of Dreams, Indiana Jones trilogy, Back to the Future, Superman I & II.
Most 80s television shows (I am a 80s tvshow DVD addict man.) Way of the Master series. Steel Roots. ESPN. Monday Night Football. Sunday Football. ESPN Classics (NFL Films). FOXNEWS, CNN. TV Land. Lost.
Right now I am studying Abnormal Psychology and Organizational Communication.
Are you soundly saved? How sure are you? Click the pic below: