Above you can vote for more "Metal" in TV.
Click on "Hier eintragen". Then add your full name and click on "Eintragen".
Above you can vote for more "Metal" in TV.
Click on "Hier eintragen". Then add your full name and click on "Eintragen".
Ehrliche Leute, die sich nicht manipulieren lassen.
Honest people, who are not manipulated by others.
Here you can vote for the song in the new commercial spot for the new Volkswagen Scirocco. Please vote for Mark Brennecke. Click on "Abstimmen" and then type your first name (Vorname), last name (Name) and your E-Mail (E-Mail-Adresse). Choose "Frau" for female or "Herr" for male. After you got an E-mail and you have to confirm your vote (click on link). You can win tickets for the Scirocco Event "Drift'n'Style in Germany or calenders. Thx!