I Speak! More Life Than Death! profile picture

I Speak! More Life Than Death!

I'm a Winner because I DON'T QUIT!!!

About Me

When people ask me what my book is about, the first thing that comes to mind is “a little of everything.” It’s about love at its realest. Life at its hardest and joy at its most satisfying. It is just as much about the love that we have for others as it is about the love that we have for self. But most importantly it is about finding, receiving and accepting the love of God. I know there is a lot of “Christian fiction” out there. I have never read a Christian fiction book and I wouldn’t put As I Am in that category. In fact, before putting pen to paper, I struggled with how I would tell my story, stay saved, and still get my point across. The answer came to me clear and simple: Just tell it. So in essence, my book is based on a true story. I like to call it faction. The names and situations have been changed to protect the innocent as well as the not so innocent. I didn’t water it down for the religious folk. But I didn’t compromise for anyone else either. I was tired of reading about one’s walk with God as if it were an uneventful process. People kill me fronting like they came out the womb holy and shouting scriptures. As I am is about the process of life, the process of love, and the process of acceptance.

My Interests

Theater, singing, writing, poetry, reading, art, photography, collecting antiques, cooking, traveling. But I am also interested in elevation, self-preservation, and elevation. I am interested in seeing my people progress and do better; have more and be more. I am interested in our world, our community and our children. I am interested in people that are positive and forward-thinking. I am interested in progression and elevation. I am interested in getting closer to God and understanding and tapping into my inner potential. ( Note: I mentioned "elevation" three times on purpose.)

I'd like to meet:

Idealistically:Oprah, Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, Jamie Foxx, Lavernius Coles, Common, John Grey, Omar Epps, Tyler Perry, Russell Simmons, Mos Def, TD Jakes, LL Cool J, Jill Scott, Inda Arie, Erykah Badu, etc...Realistically:I'd like to meet people in general. Gender doesn't matter. This is really about expanding my horizons. I love meeting and connecting with people; sharing ideas, concepts and conversations. It is what gives me content for my writing and food for thought.

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I love all music that I can feel: gospel, R&B, jazz, old school hip hop, and even some country.


Drama, Suspense, Horror, Romance, Comedy.It disappoints me that we as African-Americans don't have fair representation in film. I am thankful for the Tyler Perry's and the Spike Lee's, but I am waiting for the day when more of us will rise up and write screenplays that give our community hope as opposed to stereotypes.


Anything interesting or educational. I watch alot of Court TV and news television. I like the old stuff like Sanford and Son, I Love Lucy and Good Times. What can I say, I am indeed Old School.


My Novel will be available very, very soon. Stay tuned for updates.


Hard Question: I don't idolize anyone. I believe God is truly the only hero. But I do admire Oprah for her generosity and passion for people. But now that my mom is gone, I realize what a hero she was and still is to me. It is not easy to raise kids alone. I appreciate her hustle and her struggle much more now than ever.

My Blog

Love is Contagious

Taja Seville had a song out in the early 90's with the same title.  I used to love, love, love  this song.  It has such a sweet and sexy feel to it.  Sweet and sexy is always a goo...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 04:08:00 PST

Just As I AM!

I have been blessed to have long-lasting friendships.  I have one close friend that I have known since we were in elementary school.  Some that I have known 17, 15 and ten years.&n...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:36:00 PST

Buck E. Naked.

So here I am less than a month away from the date that my book, my first novel, my heart and soul , As I Am, will be available for all to read.  Suffice it to say that I am just a little bit nerv...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:34:00 PST

As I Am - an excerpt....

The morning crowd at Soulville always gets my adrenaline pumping.  Tyrone, or Big Ty as I called him, the line cook, always sang some Negro spiritual or gospel song to get everybody going.  ...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:23:00 PST

Just Ask

  For the last couple of weeks I have been asking God for wisdom every day, all throughout the day.  I know He is tired of me.  I'm thinking, Lord give me wisdom about this in the morn...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 10:15:00 PST

Beautiful Pain

I watched a friend go through her first pregnancy from beginning to end.  I tickled me to be able to see the excitement on her face as the weeks turned into months and her belly began to swell ju...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 11:16:00 PST

Everything Aint for Everybody.

James 1:5-8  If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.  But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, ...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:33:00 PST

Code 364.527 - Conflict of Interest

For as long as I can remember, I have done my best to live by "the code."  You know the code:  Don't mess with anyone that your girlfriend has ever messed with.  On any l...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 11:00:00 PST

Fruitful Multiplicity

I said I didn't want to talk about men anymore, but&. I woke up this morning thinking about something me and a friend were talking about yesterday. She told me that she met this guy one ti...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 08:42:00 PST

Eyes Don't Lie

I am a seer Not that I always Want to see What I see Honestly Sometimes I have ignored Covered my eyes My heart and my ears Trying to act like I didn't see What I heard Or hear what I saw But eyes...
Posted by I Speak! More Life Than Death! on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 10:06:00 PST