Theater, singing, writing, poetry, reading, art, photography, collecting antiques, cooking, traveling. But I am also interested in elevation, self-preservation, and elevation. I am interested in seeing my people progress and do better; have more and be more. I am interested in our world, our community and our children. I am interested in people that are positive and forward-thinking. I am interested in progression and elevation. I am interested in getting closer to God and understanding and tapping into my inner potential. ( Note: I mentioned "elevation" three times on purpose.)
Idealistically:Oprah, Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, Jamie Foxx, Lavernius Coles, Common, John Grey, Omar Epps, Tyler Perry, Russell Simmons, Mos Def, TD Jakes, LL Cool J, Jill Scott, Inda Arie, Erykah Badu, etc...Realistically:I'd like to meet people in general. Gender doesn't matter. This is really about expanding my horizons. I love meeting and connecting with people; sharing ideas, concepts and conversations. It is what gives me content for my writing and food for thought.
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I love all music that I can feel: gospel, R&B, jazz, old school hip hop, and even some country.
Drama, Suspense, Horror, Romance, Comedy.It disappoints me that we as African-Americans don't have fair representation in film. I am thankful for the Tyler Perry's and the Spike Lee's, but I am waiting for the day when more of us will rise up and write screenplays that give our community hope as opposed to stereotypes.
Anything interesting or educational. I watch alot of Court TV and news television. I like the old stuff like Sanford and Son, I Love Lucy and Good Times. What can I say, I am indeed Old School.
My Novel will be available very, very soon. Stay tuned for updates.
Hard Question: I don't idolize anyone. I believe God is truly the only hero. But I do admire Oprah for her generosity and passion for people. But now that my mom is gone, I realize what a hero she was and still is to me. It is not easy to raise kids alone. I appreciate her hustle and her struggle much more now than ever.