I love MUSIC, on all styles and levels. Music is in all caps, just so that there's no misunderstanding, everything with a beat, is not considered music, so don't get ME twisted, about what I just said.
Mostly traditional gospel, but I can vibe with some new school, comtemporary style gospel. I also like smooth jazz, and classic R&B, with some old school house thrown in there.
I love a good comedy, that's my top choice of movie. Of course there's always your great action and adventure, with a small touch of horror.
I like a good mystery. That makes reading interesting to me.
Not trying to sound like a big religious freak, or anything like that, but God is the head, the first, and then would come the son of God, King Jesus himself. There are a few carnal Heroes, but the list would be tooooo long.
.. - Get Your Own