Well, lets see...I have been in Radio now for about 10 years, I never expected to do this, God just gave me a gift,many people planted seeds of wisdom in my life to get me to where I am, believe me it did not come easy. I started off as a volunteer, Professor Reginald Miles taught me all that I know about Radio today! I can't forget T.R Smith also. I was just a young lady singing with Wesley Hayden & Love Unlimited Choral Ministries, as any other choir member, I wanted our music played.Professor Miles saw something in me and I started to answer his phone line at the radio station, I was so satisfied with that, not knowing that God had a greater plan for me. I continued to do that until one day the personalities were not coming in to do the shows, well all I knew was how to answer the phones. Reggie said" I am going to train you for this and the rest is history...I went on as a Radio Personality and loved every minuite of it! along came MARV DYSON, the Radio Legend himself. If you know of WGCI, V103,Gospel 1390 you must know Marv Dyson, he is the owner of 24 Radio stations, believe me he knows his stuff. Anyway,By This time Marv is the Director of operations for WKKC 893FM, he came into my office and said "YOU SHOULD BE IN COMMERCIAL RADIO" the rest is history.I went on to work for Gospel 1390, now(Inspiration 1390)not only that! Marv put me on payroll as Gospel Music Director of WKKC, I have assumed those responsibilities until recently, I have now been promoted to
Assistant Program Director of WKKC 893FM by Marv Dyson, I am still a Radio Personality for Inspiration 1390am, I am also the host of Music of Praise, Love, & Inspiratrion in the Morning Mon-Fri 5am-9am on 893fm WKKC. i SAID ALL OF THAT TO SAY.... Only! what you do for Christ will last....
I came into this with the heart for God's People, I have learned so much in this industry and had it not been for Reggie Miles showing me the ropes I probably would have gone into a different direction. I thank God that he taught me to be humble in all things, I am forever grateful that Reggie taught me what the true meaning of dedication and sacrifice is. I did it for free for 7 years before getting a dime, I got up every morning even after I broke my ankle, I still got up at 4am to get to the station by 5am to do what I love the most, people I was not being paid a dime... I now work for two Radio Stations in Chicago! God has promoted me to Assistant Program Director, under the tuteledge of Marv Dyson, THIS IS ALL GOD...... I say to you today! don't get in a place where you are satisfied with where you are, God has a greater plan for you, last thing!!!!! you will always know your God given gift when you are willing to do it for free....Check out my personality page on Inspiration1390.com & click on personality pages, click my name, (marcella jones) read my testimony about the journey, it will inspire and encourage you...OH! I forgot.... God has me doing all of this Ministry. However, I STILL DO HAIR!!!!!(LOL)Be Encouraged
Marcella wants you to check out a photo on MySpace