OHM: profile picture


Intense project of famed guitarist, Chris Poland

About Me

You may have heard the name “Chris Poland” before. Poland is probably best known for his phenomenal guitar work with several major label bands including MEGADETH (Capitol Records) and his progressive metal band, DAMN THE MACHINE (A&M Records). He also released a highly acclaimed instrumental guitar record in 1990 entitled, RETURN TO METALOPOLIS (Enigma Records), that thoroughly impressed critics and garnered much interest from the music-buying public to the extent that the record was reissued by Fuel 2000 Records in 1998 and in 2002 by Lion Music Europe. In March of 2000, Poland released two cds of previously unreleased recordings from his post-Damn the Machine days. The all-instrumental Chasing the Sun and Rare Trax cds continue to solidify Chris Poland’s reputation as a true original voice on the guitar, who continues to evolve and take the instrument to new previously unattained levels both technically and inspirationally with OHM:. There is no doubt in many peoples’ minds that Chris Poland deserves to be placed among the greats of the genre such as, Shawn Lane, Greg Howe, Frank Gambale, and Allan Holdsworth. Poland is the real deal and more when it comes to the guitar. Gliding from unusually flowing chordings to technical oddities and inspiring leads, his incredible use of legato and tremolo bar combined with his bizarre scaling create an exotic flow of notes which somehow create order from chaos. Robertino Pagliari, OHM:’s masterful monster on the fretless bass, started playing bass professionally at age 15. Robertino has played with many well-known L.A. musicians including Rick Timus (Pointer Sisters & Bobbi Brown), Frank Gambale (Chick Corea), Bob Robles (Alphonso Johnson, Steve Smith, & Airto), and Victor Bissetti (Los Lobos). Robertino’s fat, sassy, powerful bass lines and technical, interspersed melodic solos make him one of the most exciting bassists on the scene today. Robby Pagliari has also recently appeared in major magazine ad campaigns for BBE Electronics. OHM: is comprised of three monster tour de force musicians and drummer Frank Briggs is no exception. As a drummer and composer, Frank Briggs musical diversity is revealed in a body of work that encompasses Rock, New Age, R & B, Drum n Bass to Jazz & Fusion. He has appeared on recordings on such labels as Universal, Higher Octave, MTM, RCA, Immune, EMI/Sony and Warner Bros. With his first instructional book/DVD, The Complete Modern Drum Set, he consistently heads Mel Bays Top 10 percussion methods. A dozen books and DVD/CDs later, his instructional material is used in colleges (CMD is recommended by professors at Berklee School of Music) and music schools around the country as well as by private teachers and students world wide. Frank has performed and/or recorded with Jennifer Batten, Masters Of Reality, Atlantic Starr, William Aura, John Ondrasik/Five For Fighting, Andy Pratt, Mark Doyle, Mike Keneally, Derek Oles, Mitchel Forman, Frank Gambale, Kit Walker, Maxine Nightingale, Pat Boone, Ric Fierabracci, Steve Weingart, Brian Price and many others. Since forming in 1997, OHM: has been breathing new life into the L.A. rock fusion scene. The band is constantly writing, recording, and gigging with a highly original and captivating brand of instrumental music influenced by the likes of Weather Report, Return to Forever, Mahavishnu Orchestra, as well as incorporating the more rock /metal influences of the band members’ past projects. With this approach the band landed deals with Lion Music Europe and Black Note Records for previous recordings. Furthermore, OHM: has US tours under its belt with guitarists such as Frank Gambale (Chick Corea, Vital Information), Marty Friedman (Megadeth), and Alex Skolnick (Testament, Transiberian Orchestra, Savatage), as well as opening a portion of a tour for famed jambanders, Umphrey’s McGee in 2006. OHM: has garnered a loyal following and exceptional response from accomplished musicians, press, and music fans alike. Some of these exceptional responses have come from artists such as, Eric Johnson, Jordan Rudess, Marty Friedman, and the Yamaha Music Corporation who officially endorse the band. Full of mood, expression, and feeling, the members of OHM: are an intensity of raw amazement and exemplify the amazing musical possibilities the three piece format can have, proving that all it takes is a guitar, a bass, and some drums to make some truly awesome, catchy, meaningful tuneage, or what we like to call, OHMAGE. It just goes to show you that just when you think you’ve heard it all, OHM: comes along to change your perspective on music and how good it really can get.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/8/2005
Band Website: chrispoland.com
Band Members: Chris Poland - guitar Robertino Pagliari - bass Frank Briggs - drums
Influences: Megadeth, Cream, Hendrix, Brand X, Fire Merchants, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Pat Martino, Allan Holdsworth, Eric Johnson, Michael Landau, Jaco Pastorius, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Stanley Clarke; Weather Report, Return To Forever
Sounds Like: OHMAGE, Dream Theater, Brand X, Allan Holdsworth, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Weather Report, Planet X, Megadeth, Cream, Hendrix
Record Label: www.shrapnelrecords.com
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Chris Polands "System of a Sound" Giveaway Online!

Hi All, You are receiving this email as I thought you would be interested in the Chris Poland "System of A Sound" contest being held by Guitar Player Magazine with some amazing prizes donated by the f...
Posted by OHM: on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 02:29:00 PST

New Chris Poland Videos Online Now!

Hi there,Some new Chris Poland videos have been posted! ;0) We have permission to share these.Instructional - for those wanting to know more about Chris Poland's style and how he does what he does...f...
Posted by OHM: on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:19:00 PST

New OHM: cd release - Aug 26 on Tone Center Records

Hi OHMIES, The new OHM: cd, Circus of Sound, will be released by Shrapnel/ Tone Center Records on August 26 (www.shrapnelrecords.com) and was mixed by Ralph Patlan (Michael Schenker, Korn (Head's solo...
Posted by OHM: on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 06:37:00 PST

OHMIE Support for upcoming shows (Mill Valley/ San Francisco)

Hi OHMIES,Small call to action here. Just would like some help from y'all spreading the word to anyone in the Northern California/ San Francisco area about this upcoming show. We hope to get a reall...
Posted by OHM: on Mon, 26 May 2008 03:00:00 PST

OHM: Live dates as of 4/6/08

These shows to promote the upcoming OHM: studio release will be your only chance to catch OHM: for awhile as June 7 marks the last booked show until sometime later in the year.  Therefore, see th...
Posted by OHM: on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST

Chris Poland Gear on Ebay

For those players some great gear Chris has made available...always mods on the rig...new stuff in and old stuff out hence this stuff on ebay... happy bidding... http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZthree...
Posted by OHM: on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:08:00 PST

Robertino Pagliari Official My Space !

Hi OHMIES, Thanks to the awesome Jonny Boombats Pag has an official myspace!  Check out www.myspace.com/robertinopagliari Jonny has been cool enough to let us take over the domain.  I will ...
Posted by OHM: on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 05:18:00 PST

more new OHM: music posted

another rough clip from the forthcoming "Circus of Sound" release posted on OHM:'s myspace, this tune, featuring Joel Taylor on drums. Enjoy and have a great weekend! Steve Bauer Rep. Chris Poland/ OH...
Posted by OHM: on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:38:00 PST

For those interested...Tony Levin on The Academy of Shred tonight...

This is for those who may be interested in my radio show.  We are excited to have Tony in the studio with us tonight.  Give a buzz at the request line if you may have a question to ask ;0) T...
Posted by OHM: on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 01:45:00 PST

New OHM: music posted

Hi All, Well things in the studio are coming along great and the record is almost ready for mixing and mastering.  We thought we would give everyone a sneak preview of a tune from the upcoming re...
Posted by OHM: on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:52:00 PST