Hey! Name’s Joe, 15 years old, go to welsh comp in Barry- me in a nutshell really- year 11, GCSE choices la musique, la francais et deutsch…continuously trying to set up a band, guitar obsessive, bored with school to be honest…
This music myspace doubles up as a personal myspace so as to show my music and stay in touch with one profile, and just show people what I’m all about… I’m a bit of a nutcase, but I have my priorities and plans well sorted out…
Any time without a mate, a fit girl or a guitar is time wasted! Just wanna give a shout out to Joe, Will, the jameses, Dom and Harri- you make my life that little bit more bearable...safe...
I have weird tastes in everything, but I taste good...oh yeah I'm random too...I like kayaking over canoeing, a takeaway over a proper meal, christian metal over R n B, Hip-hop and rap over indie, Pizza over steak, Ice Tea over coffee, long hair over short, Banjo over Violin (?), Bass solos over the no.1 chart song, and I'm way shorter than most people my age...which is strange cos I have a lanky skinny build xD. I like guitars, particularly the six-and seven-string 24-27 fret variety, generally with proper pickups and a Floyd Rose or Kahler (get lost!) fixed bridge/string thru bodies, normally Ibanez cos they're cheap but awesome, ideally I'd like a caparison Horus or Ibanez Jem of the black rare vine-inlayed type.
I take music seriously, and my guitar playing is seriously okish (I’m trying not to be cocky!) check out my tracks (they’re in the midst of being sorted out) and get in touch if need of a guitarist or a bit of fun ALTHOUGH… Music is not a hobby, it’s a condition, an obsession…I believe in perfection, so I’m aiming high, hoping higher and concentrating on a sole instrument (though I've dabbled with others)…and I’ll always be ready to jam or join/form a band if you need me. I find that whatever you send out into the world (music-wise) will come back to you some time, usually when you least expect it…
Play bass? Guitar? Drums? Do you sing? Or even play keyboard? Fancy a jam? Send an e-mail to [email protected] -I’ll get back ASAP, trust me I’m pretty good…Thanks people! Fancy a chat? [email protected]! Get in touch!
btw- I have facebook, bebo and reverbnation accounts...sad and geeky but here they are!
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