Boris profile picture



About Me

I am a yellow naped amazon, with lots of attitude. My caregiver of 20 years died in June and now I live in a new home with new humans. They love me, I know this but I don't let them know it. Ed is really my favorite. He pets me and loves on me every day. I like Annette, but mostly because she is the one who feeds me. Any other time she can just stay back. I do have a girl friend, her name is Chris. She comes to visit me and I really like showing off for her.

My Interests

I am mostly a perch potato. The next best place to be is on the back of couch. I like to swing on my swing and ring my bell. I love to take naps. YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO OF ME BORIS BITES GRANDPA I like videos of me!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Lots of other pretty birds....



row row row your boat is my favorite... I like to make up mine own. lalalala


I only like watching myself on video.