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open minded people who are open to changing their minds instead of staying stagnant.
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.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..In no order with many missingThe Burbs, Willow, Labyrnth, Beetlejuice, Pi, Powder, The butterfly effect Donnie Darko (in french) V for Vendetta, Drop Dead Fred, Waking life, Scanner Darkly, Vanilla sky, Gattica, Life of Brian, Hairspray, Goodfellas Edward scissorhands, sleepy Hollow, Fight Club, ghost Busters ( who ya gonna CALL?) transformers the movie, Back to the future ( 1&3), scarface, godfather Trilogy, The Shwshank redeption, stand by me, One flew over the cuckoos nest, American history X, The Usual suspects, Forest Gump, Neverending story. The Big Lebowski, 12 monkeys, The truman show....and i could go on
Philosophy, Politics ( International, Soviet & Russian, ) Cognitive Neuroscience, consciousness, Number theory, quantum mechanics, Linguistics, Theory of mind, aesthetics, Sociolgy, visual Perception, and much much morea selection of books on my bookcaseP Nietzsche: Thus spoke Zarathustra , beyond good and evil, Why I am so wise Descartes: Meditations and other philosophical Writings Plato: The Republic, The last Days of socartes , Kant: Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals, Critque of Judgement Machiavelli: The Prince. George Orwell: Animal Farm, 1984, Why I Write, Betrand Russell: History of Western Philosphy, Why I Am not A Christian. A.c Grayling: What is Good, The Meaning of Things. Rolande Barthes: Camara Lucida, Charles Darwin: Origin of the Species. Mill: On Liberty. John Paul Satre: Being and nothingness. Oswald Hanfling: Philosphical aesthetics. Susan Greenfield: The Private Life of the Brain, The Human Brain. Morgan Spurlock: don't eat this book, Brian Greene: the elegant Universe. Eric Schlosser: Fast food nation, Reefer Maddness and other tales from the American underworld. Steven D Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner: Freakonomics. Antonio Damasio: Looking for Spinoza. Robort Winston: The Human Mind, Michael White: Leonardo The first scientist, A teaspoon and an open mind Michael White & John Griben: Einstein, Michael Newton: Savage girls and wild boys, Moore Slater: Bush's Brain, David Deutsch: The fabric of Reality, Hume: Enquiries concerning Human Understanding And Concerning The Principles Of Morals, Karl Sabbagh: Dr riemann's Zeros, simon Singh: Fermat's Last Theorem, Richard P. Feyman: QED The Strange Theory Of Light And Matter, Six Easy Pieces, Ken Wilber: A theroy of evereything, Jean-Pierre Vermnant ( Tr from French by Linda Asher) : Ancient Greek Myths, the Universe, the gods and Mortals. Rebecca Solnit: Hope in the dark the untold history of people power. Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene Elaine Pagels: The Gnostic Gospels, Carl gustav Jung: the undiscovered self, the science of mythology, answer to Job, Oliver Sacks: Awakanings, the man who mistook his wife for a hat. Robort O Paxton: The Anatomy of fascism Noam chomsky: Hegemony or survival americas quest for global dominance, David Ray Griffen: The 9/11 commision report omissions and distortions Samuel P Huntington: the clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order, anton szandor Lavey: the Satanic bible James Redfield: The Celestine Prophecy, Steven rose: The 21st Century Brain Cameron Ross: russian Politics under Putin. Central committees Miniutes The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution, Leonard Shapiro: The communist Party of the Soviet Union John Pilger: Freedom Next Time. Charles Seife: Zero The biography of a Dangerous Idea Peter Watson : Ideas a history from Fire to Freud.