The following dates are confirmed group sessions for Exeter Astrology Group - dates for the autumn of 2008 will follow later in the year. We have a very busy spring and summer programme including a visit to the Sophia Centre Conference in Bath.Please note that there is no group meeting in August due to our summer break.
All Exeter Astrology Group sessions are on the second Sunday in the month unless otherwise advised. The 2012 Study Group meets on the third Wednesday in the month.
9 March 2008: The Electional Marriage Chart
Charlie Linton will be leading a session on electional astrology, especially in relation to love and marriage. Charlie is a local astrologer from Totnes.
15 March 2008: Spring Seminar - Facing the Financial Winter
Exeter Astrology Group is pleased to welcome Maggie Hyde and Jack Kenny to the city. Maggie and Jack will be speaking on Saturday 15 March 2008 about the fundamental shifts occurring in the world financial markets. Although the weather might be warming, the entry of Pluto into Capricorn, the sign of the northern winter solstice, may send a chill through global economic systems, impacting on the local stock and housing markets.Credit, interest rates, inflation, pensions, property, the stock market … what was once safe is no longer so and changes in the financial climate suggest that Western economies are moving into a financial winter.In this unique seminar we combine astrology and economic theory in order to arrive at positive strategies, especially in relation to the housing and stock markets. Maggie will outline astrological approaches, ranging from planetary cycles, especially those of Jupiter and Saturn, to planetary ingresses, including Pluto into Capricorn. She will consider the horoscopes of companies, financial institutions and key market players.
CostPre-booking: £14.00 for the whole day (please book by 8 March 2008)On the door: £20.00 unbookedThe seminar fee does not include lunch. The Meeting House is a few minutes walk from a range of cafes, restaurants and pubs. The Meeting House has a small kitchen, with cutlery and crockery if you wish to self-cater.See our main Events page for further details.
19 March 2008: 2012 Study Group
The 2012 Study Group looks at the ideas surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar. Our reference text is Geoff Stray's Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy (A Complete Guide to the End-of-Time Predictions). Please meet at the Friends Meeting House at 7:30PM. The session runs until 9:30PM.
13 April 2008: The Sinking of The Titanic
Richard Burch will be looking in detail at the charts of The Titanic, and examining some of the myth, mystery and intrigue surrounding this ill-fated ocean liner.
16 April 2008: 2012 Study Group
The 2012 Study Group looks at the ideas surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar. Our reference text is Geoff Stray's Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy (A Complete Guide to the End-of-Time Predictions). Please meet at the Friends Meeting House at 7:30PM. The session runs until 9:30PM.
11 May 2008: The Forgotten Angle - The Vertex
Much confusion surrounds the mysterious third angle - the Vertex. After the Ascendant and the Midheaven, the Vertex forms a third angle in the chart. Jenny Kunzle Fernyhough will be talking about her experiences and insights into this oft-forgotten piece of astrological lore.
21 May 2008: 2012 Study Group
The 2012 Study Group looks at the ideas surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar. Our reference text is Geoff Stray's Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy (A Complete Guide to the End-of-Time Predictions). Please meet at the Friends Meeting House at 7:30PM. The session runs until 9:30PM.
8 June 2008: The Cycle of Venus
Moragh Mason will be looking at the cycles of Venus - as the morning and evening star, and in inferior and superior conjunction. These cycles have been tracked by many major civilisations, and had especial meaning for the Mayans in South America. This is sure to be a fascinating talk.
18 June 2008: 2012 Study Group
The 2012 Study Group looks at the ideas surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar. Our reference text is Geoff Stray's Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy (A Complete Guide to the End-of-Time Predictions). Please meet at the Friends Meeting House at 7:30PM. The session runs until 9:30PM.
12-13 July 2008: Sophia Centre Conference - Bath
The Group is going to Bath, to attend the Sophia Centre Conference, this weekend. The third Sophia Centre postgraduate conference, show casing recent and current work in astronomy, astrology and cosmology in culture, will be held in the elegant surroundings of the Bath Royal Scientific and Literary Institution. The ticket price will include refreshments and a vegetarian lunch. For further details please contact Nick Campion, the Senior Lecturer, or go to the main conference website..
16 July 2008: 2012 Study Group
The 2012 Study Group looks at the ideas surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar. Our reference text is Geoff Stray's Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy (A Complete Guide to the End-of-Time Predictions). Please meet at the Friends Meeting House at 7:30PM. The session runs until 9:30PM.
August 2008: No MeetingThe Group breaks for the summer after the July meeting. There is no meeting in August.
Diary dates for the autumn 2008 sessions will follow shortly - please check back later in the spring.Other activities for the spring includes the continuation of a regular monthly 2012 Study Group for existing members, looking at the ideas surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar. Our reference text will be Geoff Stray's Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy (A Complete Guide to the End-of-Time Predictions). We are also now holding regular social events at The George pub in South Street in between the regular monthly meetings (dates t.b.a).
Anyone interesting in finding out more about astrology, astrology students, other astrologers and astrology groups.
John Addey, Stephen Arroyo, Michael Baigent, Nick Campion, Charles Harvey, Alice Bailey, Tamsyn Barton, (Ancient Astrology), Benson Bobrick, (The Fated Sky, Astrology in History), Bernadette Brady, (Predictive Astrology, Brady's Book fo Fixed Stars), CEO Carter, H.L.Cornell, (Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology), Donna Cunningham, Patrick Curry, Martin Davis, R.C. Davison, Terry Dwyer, Reinhold Ebertin, Dennis Elwell, John Filbey, Steven Forrest, Martin Freeman, Michel Gauquelin, Demetra George, Fred Gettings,(Dictionary of Astrology), Linda Goodman, Jeff Green, Liz Greene, Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Robert Hand, James Holden, (A History of Horoscopic Astrology), Margaret Hone, Marc Edmund Jones, Babs Kirby, Alan Leo, Tracy Marks, Jeff Mayo, Neil F. Michelsen, Derek & Julia Parker, Robert Pelletier, Melanie Reinhart, Dane Rudhyar, Frances Sakoian & Louis Acker, Howard Sasportas, Barbara Schermer, Martin Schulman, Sepharial, Rupert Sewell, Percy Seymour (The Scientific Basis Of Astrology), Neil Spencer, (True As The Stars Above), Erin Sullivan, Richard Tarnas, (Passion of the Western Mind, Cosmos & Psyche) Jim Tester,(A History of Western Astrology), Penny Thornton, Bil Tierney,(Dynamics of Aspect Analysis), Sue Tompkins, (Aspects In Astrology), Peter Whitfield, (Astrology, A History), Robert Zoller
Go here for Exeter Astrology Group's Library and list of books.