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Im back ..again!<a href="http://www.pimpmyspace.or

About Me

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Damn last time, I had a myspace before it decided to never let me back in, I did my profile pissed!...oh well. Im Lolli, a Totalrocker LOVE oldschool metal, thrash metal an anything rock that grabs me by the balls(well if I had any)
L Luscious
O Orderly
L Lazy
L Legendary
I Important
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My Interests

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I love! going to gigs, clubs an pubs. Drink mixed with decent music and good company an a great atmosphere an more drink, is my biggest interest oh.. did i mention drink? My fave tipple wud have to vodka an Jack stella largerwise. I love horror films and books. Although I don't ride I'm into bikes, Triumphs..nortons..yahama..harleys..custom built choppers and trikes

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I'd like to meet:

I would LOVE to meet Phil Anselmo an one of these days I will!! nearly met dimebag 1 of my fave guitarists (well hacked that my opportunity was well missed!) Biomechanical, who Ive majorly gotten into. I wish i could meet Vinnie Paul as Pantera is top of my list for ' favorite' band of all time, Iron Maiden(spesh Steve harris!).This list could go on an on lol ;)
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My favorite band ever would have to be Pantera 1 of the best bands to come out of the ninetys by far! im very much into thrash metal..but love bands from the 70s till era would have to be the late 80s/90s thrash metal.Im into Sabbath Ozzy/Hughes/Dio especially dio era Sabbath..Saxon..BlitzKrieg.Iron Maiden..Metallica...Megadeth...Judas Priest..Biomechanical...Queensryche..Helloween...Alice Cooper....dream Evil...Hammerfall..MchineHead..Sepultura...Soulfly...Superjo intRitual...carcass...Slayer...Anthrax an loads an loads more lol


Im into comedy an horror films spesh horror evil dead, freddy..halloween...friday 13th...candy loads that aren't coming into my head at the moment lol I am more into music then films I do like comedy films with humour like American Pie an road trip...I like some Guy Ritchie films like sexy beast... snatch and lock stock and two smokin barrels..Quentin tarantino films are xellent ..from dusk till dawn...kill b continued....bored at the moment :)


I dont watch that much TV but i like documentries an crime series....C.S.I..Law and order...xfiles(when it came on TV)...Simpsons..Southpark...murder she wrote..diagnosis murder... perry mason lol(well someones got to)


Authors that are my favourite would be steven king...edgar alan poe....dean more but am still bored will finish this soon ; )


Dead Heroes are DimeBag Darrel...Rhandy Rhodes...Jimmy Hendrix...Jim Morrison {{R.I.P}} There are so many more I could mention...I would also have to say Phil Anselmo is a hero to from frontin the my best ever band Pantera to SJR. christ Im getting bored and all may have to be edited again when I'm more in the mood lol