Sonic Attack is a 2 hour weekly radio show broadcasting from London, UK. The show was born in 2004, and soon became the heaviest show on the whole station. The transmission is live every Wednesday, from 9pm to 11pm, and the show is repeated on Mondays 2am to 4am (please note these are GMT/UK TIMES). Sonic Attack is presented and produced entirely by Cristiane Richardson.
Every week there is a featured album, and guests do pop in ever so often. Past guests on Sonic Attack include:
Eyehategod (Mike Williams)
5ive CRP (Ben Carr and Charlie Harrold)
Obituary (Trevor Perez)
Sepultura (Andreas Kisser)
Phazm (Pierrick)
Yyrkoon (Stephane)
Darkthrone (Nocturno Culto and Fenriz)
Satyricon (Satyr and Frost)
Gorgoroth, Sahg, I, Jotunspur, Audrey Horne (King ov Hell)
Unearhtly Trance (Ryan Lipynsky, Jay Newman, Darren Verni)
Cathedral (Lee Dorrian and Leo Smee)
OM (Al Cisneros)
Yob (Mike Scheidt)
Terrorizer Magazine ( Jonathan Selzer)
Atavist (Chris and Shane)
Obiat (Laz, Raf & Adam)
Blessing the Hogs, Men of Porn (Billy Anderson)
Dam (Nathanael)
Ramesses (Adam)
Sunn 0))) / Khanate (Stephen O'Malley)
Acid King (Lori, Joey and Rafa)
Murder One (Paul Catten)
Rudra (Kathir)
Mindgrinder (Cosmocrator)
Scum (Faust, Casey Chaos)
Impaled Nazarene (Mika)
Gehenna (Dolgar)
Bolt Thrower (Gavin Ward)
Thorns (Snorre Ruch)
Candlemass (Messiah)
High on Fire (Matt Pike and Des)
The Melvins (Buzz)
Asva (Stuart and B.R.A.D.)
Dimmu Borgir (Silenoz)
1349 (Archaon and Seidemann)
Mistress (Drunken and Dirty Von Arse)
Debris Inc (Ron Holzner and Dave Chandler)
Today is the Day (Steve Austin)
Isis (Aaron Turner, Aaron Harris and Jeff Caxide)
Jesu ( Justin Broaderick, Diarmuid Dalton)
Celtic Frost (Tom Gabriel Fischer & Martin Eric Ain)
Possessed (Jeff Becerra)
Unleashed (Johnny Hedlund)
Mastodon (Brann, Brent, Troy)
Pelican (Laurent, Trevor, Larry)
Rotting Christ (Sakis)
Red Stars Parade (Matt)
Dillinger Escape Plan (Greg)
Cult of Luna (Johannes Persson)
Esoteric (Greg Chandler, Steve Peters)
Kylesa (Corey Barhorst, Phillip Cope, Laura Pleasants)
Susperia (Memnoch)
Vader (Peter)
Marzuraan (Pete Burn)
Taint (Jimbob)
Art of Burning Water (Geith & Jas & Mike)
Sourvein (T-Roy, Josh, Al , Clyde, Mike Sleepy Floyd)
Indesinence (Ilia, Chris)
Voivod (Away)
Big Business (Jared & Coady)
Church of Misery (Tatsu, Tom, Hideki, Junji)
Reverend Bizarre (Albert Witchfinder, Peter Vicar, Void)
The Gates of Slumber (Karl Simon, Jason McCash,"Iron" Bob F)
Inner Rage (Thiago Carvalho, Nicolas Soteri,Yusuf Tary)
Monarch (Michell & Emilie)
Funeral (Kjetil)
ChthoniC (Freddy, Doris, Jesse)
Narcosis (Chris)
Destruction (Schmier)
Gonga (George Elgie)
Tabu Records (Patrizia Mazzuoccolo)
Heroin Skateboards (Mark FOS Foster & Alan Glass)
Abscess (Chris Reifert)
Neurosis (Steve von Till)
Black Cobra (Rafa & Jason)
Brutal Truth (Dan Lilker)
Blood Tsunami (Pete, Faust, Bosse, Dor)
13 (Alicia Morgan)
If you want to send your material for airplay, please do so ONLY if you think you fit in with the show. Please check my playlists, if you are in doubt, at the Total Rock forums at: Please mark your package clearly: SONIC ATTACK, c/o Cristiane, Total Rock Radio, 1 Denmark Place, London, WC2H 8N.
Also PLEASE check out the official Total Rock page on My Space at:
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