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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am the co-founder of a cool little magic group called Magic X. We have 12 of the best young manipulators in the world. We created a live show entitled Magic X Live which mixes illusion and manipulation with music, performance/visual art, and the energy of an afterhour rave.
Through this we were able to secure our own network televised special called T.H.E.M. - Totally Hidden Extreme Magic which originally aired on NBC and SciFi in 2004. It is now being broadcast all over the globe.
Last year we put together Room 401 that aired on MTV featuring myself, Rico de la Vega, Cyril, and Justin Kredible.
In addition to the magic world, I have also put together a band called Strangely Attractive . We have a five song EP that we are about to make into a full length album. We are in the middle of recording again. We love performing live. So come see a show if you ever get the chance.
Be sure to check out the Magic X MySpace page!

My Interests

Michel Gondry's music videos, Los Angeles Lakers, De La Guarda, Blue Man, Stomp, Hugo's taco truck in East Los, Mom's legendary birthday/ Thanksgiving turkey burrito, Grabbing a Newcastle or a very dirty martini with the gang, Jersey Boys, Artists of any kind (especially the risk takers and those who "make it" on their own terms), Playing my bass, Performing on stage


The Beatles, Bjork, The Police, Nirvana, The Cars, The Peak Show, Digital-T, Dance, Electronica, The Beats and Bass of Hip Hop

My band "Strangely Attractive" and our first video for "Do You Really."

Strangely Attractive
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Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Depp, Dead Poet's Society, The Five Heartbeats, Man Bites Dog, Office Space, Swingers, Blow, Fight Club, Dogtown and Z Boys, Se7en, American Psycho, Rock Star, The Professional, Good Will Hunting, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, 40 Year Old Virgin, Galaxy Quest, Run Lola Run, Warriors, Braveheart


Joss Whedon, Conan O'Brien, Mr. Show, 24, Heroes, Everybody Loves Raymond reruns, The Wonder Years, Freaks and Geeks, Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, Twilight Zone, T.H.E.M. (is it too obnoxious to put this here?)

T.H.E.M. - Elevator

T.H.E.M. - Superman

T.H.E.M. - Fly in my Soup

Room 401 - Jar Head

Room 401 - Lend a Hand

Room 401 - Cupid's Arrow


Moms and Pops, My handful of close friends that I always consider to be more than friends but family and anybody who makes something happen when all the odds are stacked against them

My Blog

Strangely Attractive

Just wanted to start spreading the word about my band...Strangely Attractive. We are now playing out at local clubs around town. Our first gig was pretty cool. It was at Mr. T's Bowl. Love the T's! We...
Posted by chris on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 01:46:00 PST

Room 401

Be sure to check out my latest series entitled "ROOM 401." The premiere is this Tuesday night (July 17th) at 10PM on MTV. The show captures how unsuspecting bystanders react when they are placed in a ...
Posted by chris on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 01:36:00 PST

Imprint the movie

Some very close friends of mine by the name of Michael and Marc Linn have made an amazing movie. They invited me to a screening and I had the pleasure of viewing it a couple of weeks back. If anybody ...
Posted by chris on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:00:00 PST

playing some gigs

So I am currently playing some gigs (bass) with a cool local band, "Salon K." If anybody reads these blogs and is down for a fun evening of music, go to the Salon K myspace page to hear samples and ge...
Posted by chris on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 01:33:00 PST


I did an episode of Punk'd and it aired last night (May 15, 2006). If anyone is interested in watching, I'm sure there will be repeats. It is MTV afterall. If you happen upon the Punk'd with Sugar Ray...
Posted by chris on Tue, 16 May 2006 02:57:00 PST