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Francesca LoPinto Jewelry is not just about making you look beautiful, but also enhancing your elegance, sophistication, confidence, and youthful side. Being young, I want to show the world what someone with so much youthful dedication, drive, and creativity can do with their time. I want to uplift people, especially the young, and inspire them to follow their dreams! Francesca LoPinto Jewelry is an extension of me, and another way to express my creativity. My goal is to not only to make jewelry, but also clothing and so much more. I hope to accomplish all of this on a high level one day, with everyone's help of course! A wise man once said that it is not about the destination, but the journey as you get there, and I have realized that this is indeed a true statement. I am still on my journey, learning about the fashion industry and about life. It is a difficult world but an incredible one at that. I am fortunate to be a part of this world, and I cannot wait to make a name for myself in the industry. To be a part of my journey please check out my blog and please support at my to your top! :D.. francescalopinto.buzznet.com.
Visit WWW.FRANCESCALOPINTO.COM for more buying details.
Also you can send me a message or e-mail me at [email protected]
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