Name: Luigi Castano
Age: 22
Location: Queens, New York
Fav Color: Blue & Red
Music: Anything
Movies: Marvel & DC commic
Heroes: Superman
All Me
First and for most, i would love to say thank you to everyone who put up with my bullshyt. Everything in this world happens for a reason and I believe that we should treasure every minute of it.I love to design. Currently I am working for Time Warner Cable as a telemarketer. I had an Older brother but he past away when he was 7, I was 5. I currently have two annoying dogs who i despise due to my awaking every morning at 6 a.m.!I believe that in every aspect of our lives we go through certain steps that makes us stronger everyday. My everyday life consist of meeting and talking to people all the time. I always ponder about the simple things in life, in which case its never perfect for me. I always wondered what it would be like to go and pursue something you couldn't reach or get someone's attention without having to trip over something.It scares me how my mind can overcome certain things. Certain days as i look at myself i see a different person everyday, One who makes drastic mistakes in the past and yet confused in the future. My mind is set on one thing, and i'm so scared to death on what to do.I pray that everyday that I find the answer I am looking for. Although it may not be important to anyone else, it is important to me. IF you've gone this far in reading my page then you'll realize that I am just as lingered as you are.. *sigh*My Nationalities
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