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About Me

kaeng! ist ein dreiköpfiges Monster, ein musikalischer Bastard, geboren im Jahr 2007.
kaeng! ’s Köpfe sind:
Frankaeng (Gitarre & Gesang)
Christaeng (Schlagzeug)
Martaeng (Bass)
Mit stampfenden, wuchtigen Schritten mäht kaeng! alles nieder, was sich ihm in den Weg stellt.
kaeng! hat in seiner Jugend viel Kyuss, Helmet und Tool inhaliert und auch Queens of the stone age, Motörhead sowie Melvins assimiliert. Die Verarbeitung dessen findet sich auf der 2007 erschienenen 3-Song-CD (Die Plattenfirma/Eigenvertrieb) wieder. Die, die das Monster live erleben und überleben durften, umschrieben ihre Erfahrungen so:
„Die drei Herren drücken ihren Zuhörern eine gehörige Ladung Gitarren mit brachialen Ausmaßen in die Gehörgänge.“ (www.punkrockbergischland.de)
“Für alle, die Stoner Rock mögen, ist kaeng die richtige Band!” (André, Sänger der Nitrominds aus Brasilien)
kaeng! wird die Welt erobern! Deutschland ist durch zahlreiche Shows schon infiziert – kaeng! ist nun bereit, seine coole Mischung aus Stoner, Punk, Metal und Doom auch in den Rest der Welt zu tragen. Ein neues Album und ausgedehntes Touren sind geplant für 2008.
Rock’kaeng’roll !
kaeng! is a three-headed monster, a musical bastard born in 2007. Its three heads are called
Frankaeng (vocals & guitar)
Christaeng (drums)
Martaeng (bass)
kaeng! is mowing down everything what‘s standing in its way with its pounding, stamping sound. Powerful, indeed! In its youth,kaeng! inhaled a lot of music like Kyuss, Helmet and Tool and assimilated stuff like Queens of the Stone Age, Melvins and Motörhead. The result of these influences can be found on kaeng! ’s first 3-Song-CD which was released in 2007. Some of the people, who were lucky to see a show of the monster, described it like this:
”The three guys showcase a heavy load of guitars in brute measures.” (quoted from www.punkrockbergischland.de)
“For those who love stoner rock, kaeng is the right band!” (André, singer/guitarist from Nitrominds)
kaeng! is here to conquer the world! Lots of shows were played in Germany already, now kaeng! is ready to export its cool mix of stoner, metal, punk and doom to the rest of the world! A new record and extensive touring is planned for 2008/09.
Rock’kaeng’roll !
Kaeng! Três montros , como eles mesmos se definem, Musical Bastard desde 2007 chamados de -
Frankaeng (guitarra e vocal)
Christaeng (Bateria)
Martaeng (baixo)
kaeng! Movidos pela poderesa música como Kyuss, Helmet e Tool e assimilando bandas como Queens of the Stone Age, Melvins e Motörhead. São estas influências que pode achar no Kaeng! e constam no cd de 3 músicas lançando em 2007.
Esses 3 caras fazem um show com guitarras pesadas em largas medidas. (www.punkrockbergischland.de)
“Pra quem gosta de Stoner Rock, esta é a banda certa!” (André, singer/guitarist from Nitrominds)
Kaeng! Está aqui pra conquistar o mundo , muitos shows pela Alemanha e estão prontos para exportar a sua música com uma mistura de stoner, metal, punk and doom do resto do mundo!!
Novo cd em breve e exaustiva tour para 2008!!
Rock’kaeng’roll !

My Interests


Member Since: 8/28/2007
Band Website: rockkaengroll.com
Band Members: Frankaeng - Guitar, Vocals

Christaeng - Drums

Martaeng - Bass

Influences: kaeng! is sponsored in brasil by:

Sounds Like:KAENG!
Record Label: searching for one
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Rock’Kaeng!Roll in Brasil ! ! ! !

Hey everybody,we just want to inform you, that Kaeng! ist going to tour Brasil from 14.08-01.09.2008.We are also preparing to record some new songs later this month.So stay tuned for more info.Cheers...
Posted by KAENG! on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:49:00 PST