vinandtonic profile picture


front row moe.ho, vinnie side

About Me

"to you who are alive, what are the things that are truly important? and while you are still alive, what are you doing about them?"--patrick leblanc~~I'm a music and book addict, residing in the Philly burbs with my 2 cats and my ultradorky-yet-cool boyfriend. A voracious reader, if time permits I devour 5-6 books a week. Otherwise, my free time and most of my social calendar revolves around going to concerts of one kind or another. I have fairly eclectic musical tastes, so I do get a variety, although bands in the jam genre are my main focus. From the name and headline you can surmise (or maybe not) that moe. is my favorite band. What other bands I see more or less revolves around which moe. shows I can make it to. In a rut? Maybe. Obsessed? Definitely. That's why I'm a moe.ho. :)I have a sarcastic and sometimes quirky sense of humor that some people don't get. I prefer personality over physicality. I have no time for idiots, morons, jerks, people with entitlement attitudes, people whose own lives are so miserable they feel compelled to share and inflict their misery on others, and people who don't think about the consequences of their actions. Life is too short to waste on people who don't add anything positive to it. :) .... Remember this ravenous image. It is the face of a species of female that will be running rampant on the big boat next month.The cougars are vicious and can only be satisfied by a nice piece of fresh MEAT.Be warned. (thanks Karen!) .."
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My Interests

music, concerts, books, animals (especially cats), good beer and wine, fat tire, intelligent conversation, sarcasm, dry wit, euchre, laughing, scuba diving, swimming, roller coasters, the beach at night, eddie izzard, france, mt. everest, antarctica, maynard's wine gums, autumn, camping. I'll try almost anything (except skydiving) once. Twice, if I like it.

I'd like to meet:

I post on phantasy tour moe. under the moniker of btterswtantelope, and the terrapin boards under this name, but I always like meeting new people with whom to chat or hang out at shows. :)


Music is my number one hobby/obsession/recipient of my free time and disposable income. I am fortunate in that I live in the philly area, because if shows don't come here, they go to nyc, baltimore, or dc. My favorites include: moe., al and the transmericans, echo and the bunnymen, juggling suns, buzz universe, the uninvited, cowboy mouth, the radiators, toad the wet sprocket, the breadbox band, stillwillis, the monkees, galactic, afghan whigs, keane, a-ha, squirrel nut zippers, coldplay, the pixies, NIN, bauhaus, u-melt, tea leaf green, medeski martin and wood, allman brothers band, widespread panic, grandaddy, pete yorn, phish, delerium, grateful dead, too much joy, toadies, poster children, deep banana blackout, phil lesh and friends, the breakfast, VAST, james, nitzer ebb, ministry, 80's music, funk, jambands, the feelies, gang of four, inxs, ghostbeat, honeyspot, peter tuck, cure, smiths, emmylou harris, vinyl, umphrey's mcgee, matthew sweet, lloyd cole just to name a few. Support Local Music!!


I prefer more independent films, although I have been impressed with some blockbuster type movies. My favorite movie is a tie between quills and willy wonka and the chocolate factory. Other favorites include better off dead, gladiator, anything with cillian murphy, anything with joaquin phoenix, anything with gary sinese, anything with russell crowe, master and commander, live music dvds, the thing, dogs in space, the stand miniseries, john hughes 80's flicks, the original star wars trilogy, and the lord of the rings trilogy.


I don't watch tv (the only reason I have one is to watch movies on), but if I did it would be mainly Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, and TLC, with probably some history channel thrown in. Maybe some old 80's videos or something. Back in the day, I used to watch the Simpsons fairly regularly, along with Drew Carey, South Park, the X-Men on Saturdays, and football!


This is going to be a looooooong list. I'm a voracious reader, sometimes consuming 5-6 books a week when time permits. Favorite book of all time: My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. Runners-up include Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger, On the Beach by Nevil Shute, Ice Bound by Jerri Nielsen, The Double Bind by Chris Bojahlian, Into the Heart of the Antarctic by Ernest Shackleton. Favorite authors include Gerald Durrell, John Steinbeck, Nelson DeMille, Maeve Binchy, Barry Eisler, Ken Follett, Dick Francis, Marian Keyes, Nicholas Sparks, Chris Bohjalian, Russell Andrews/Peter Gethers, Garrison Keillor, Terry McMillan, Stephen King, Jane Green, Robert James Waller, Ernest Shackleton, Jean Auel, Jill McCorkle, Belva Plain, old John Grisham, old Patricia Cornwell, and pretty much any Irish women's fiction author. I also like reading non-fiction adventure and polar (Arctic and Antarctic) exploration, and of course, Harry Potter. :)


RIP Dad 3.31.04 RIP Mom 6.30.04Katherine Hepburn Jerri Nielsen

My Blog

words of wisdom from Goering

I read this quote in a book that I'm previewing for work...kinda makes you wonder if our "leaders" studied up on his tactics. "Naturally the common people don't want war. But after all, it is the lead...
Posted by vinandtonic on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:12:00 PST

kitty weight back to normal

So I took Atticus to the vet for another weight check on Wednesday..he is up to 10.75 pounds from 9.3 in January!! I have no idea what Finch weighs (other than too much), but how I’m going to ke...
Posted by vinandtonic on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:18:00 PST

californ-IA pictures

There's no way I'm uploading all 207 of the pictures to myspace so you'll just have to go here...
Posted by vinandtonic on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:15:00 PST

californ-IA road diary part 7 and wrap up

Day 7: our trip to the San Diego Zoo.We went to Marie Callendar's for an early lunch before going down to the zoo. I was familiar with her frozen foods/pies but didn't know she had a restaurant. The f...
Posted by vinandtonic on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:53:00 PST

californ-IA road diary part 6

Day 6:We were hoping to sleep in a little today to get rested up for our last leg of the trip...unfortunately it sounded like they were having a housekeeper's meeting right outside of our hotel room d...
Posted by vinandtonic on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:50:00 PST

californ-IA road diary part 5

day 5:I never did make it into the hot tub as I had a few phone calls to make and it got quite chilly as the sun was going down. We made our way over to the Grove and discovered that there was a motor...
Posted by vinandtonic on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:49:00 PST

californ-IA road diary part 4

Day 4:After a good night's sleep we woke up around 8:30, hit up the continental breakfast, and got on the road around 10 am to head to LA. We had James Boncek as a traveling companion for this leg of ...
Posted by vinandtonic on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:46:00 PST

californ-IA road diary part trois

day 3:Darla served us another delicious breakfast: homemade french toast, fruit cup, chicken apple sausage, and turkey pineapple sausage--yum yum! She also brought us a pot of hot water and some tea a...
Posted by vinandtonic on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:45:00 PST

californ-IA road diary part deux

Day 1 part deux:Darla brought us a delicious homemade breakfast of eggs benedict, pear crisp, tea, toasted bagels, and hash browns. After gorging ourselves, we showered and got ready for the day.The P...
Posted by vinandtonic on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:44:00 PST

californ-IA road diary part 1

16 Jan 08 here we are in Calistoga :)yesterday's travels weren't too bad...both flights were right on schedule and we picked up the rental car with no problems. Unfortunately the traffic getting out o...
Posted by vinandtonic on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:43:00 PST