Well... it IS hARd to TooT mY 0wn hoRn, BUT... i WiLL tEll- wHat i D0 liKe & L0vE & BeLievE iN:
i'Ve hAd aLot oF eXperiEnce iN w0RKing wIth pe0Ple anD fInD hUmAn nAturE... faScInaTing!-- At tHe moMent I W0rk 0n gr00ming tHe boYs aNd mEn oF eNgLanD...whoo-hoo!** I UseD tO be a hAiRstYlist In NYC fOr b0tH mEn& w0mEn But ch00Se to w0rK wiTh Just tHe b0yS tHesE dAyS!-- i, aLS0, eNjoy PhotoGraPhinG PEOplE BeCauSe i liKe tHe hUmaN foRm; i gEt tUrNed 0n bY cAptUring A MOment iN a L00k, a Moti0n, aN eSSenCe oF tHat bEing!!!~~~bEautY, aS i sEe iT!..................
~ FREED0M, adVenTUre, bAlAnCe, dESignInG JeWelrY.. dEsIgn ANYthinG, pAinTing, WriTinG, nAtUre(in aLL FoRms), the tHe0rY of 'LESS IS MORE'(aka-QuAliTy vs. QuanTiTy!) VeuVe Cliquot chAmPagne, dARk Ch0C0laTe, dArK Ch0C0latE & rASpBerriEs, 0RchiDs, hErbS..heheh, indviDUal sTYle, clASS, canDles, iNcEnSe, MOti0ns, p0Tions, g00dnEss, seXiness, KiNdnEss, CleVeRneSS, swEEtnEss, maGicK, trUth, TaLenTs, *aMbiTi0n(WITH a PURpose!)*, leaRNing, LAnguAge, lAughing, LoVinG, gRoWinG, kiSsinG, pLaYing, GIVing, h0n0r, INtegrity, BRAVEry, beauTY....
N0T neceSSarIly all iN thAt 0rDer.
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