design. art. talkin shit. freakin out. laughing. dancing. stories. habits. i like to talk.. i do it a lot. even when no one is listening. and so it goes.
everyone else. phillip seymour hoffmann. laughers.
let it bump.
documentaries. teen baby mama drama criterion shit. lovelovelove star wars hate ewoks. phillip seymour hoffmann! tim robbins! dance movies too... especially ones with competitions.
When Miss Hackney comes down sick in the middle of class, she calls on Starlight to watch the class and play the taped lesson. When the class refuses to respect her and acts up, she decides to make the class fun by taking them on a field trip, but the class gets stuck in a cave. They use the recorded lessons to rescue themselves. Back in the classroom, Miss Hackney returns and presents Starlight with an apple and the ponies realize the value of education.