kelli profile picture


i'm getting good at this bad luck thing.

About Me

i like hot sauce and i REALLY want to live by the water.

My Interests

being ridiculous. vespas.lambrettas.classic cars.rat rods. collecting antiques.snuggling with my dog. squeezing my cat. the debutante's.the gem city rollers.the ten year lates.bowling.antique shops and thrift stores.road trips.laughing.working out and slowly minimizing.people who can make me laugh.staying up late.sleeping in.camping.riding bikes.canoeing.eating indian food and burritos.crossword puzzles. monster truck rallies and demolition derbies.

I'd like to meet:

a palm tree.


classic country.rockabilly.a lot of really embarrassing crap.


just horror movies and the 40 year old virgin.


america's funniest home videos (yes its true and i don't care).six feet under.conan o'brian.dead like me. nip/tuck.


more or less anything but fiction...


my grandma and my mom.

My Blog

something very important to me.

One year ago last friday, my nephew was born 9 weeks premature. At 2lbs 15oz he was very close to losing his life. He spent his first two months in the hospital on respirators, etc. As you can imagine...
Posted by kelli on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:58:00 PST

bikes, car windows and the new crocodile hunter.

yes, someone threw a bike through the back of my car, in my driveway, while i was home.  to top it off, i was supposed to sell it the next day.  so if you want to buy a car with a bad trans...
Posted by kelli on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 01:39:00 PST

photos from my birthday party.

abbey scares me. i have no idea. kevin apparently hates balloons. carrie and michelle talking about something gross. dancing fools. i love jim varney. kev...
Posted by kelli on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 08:36:00 PST