These tracks were recorded on my computer at home using a microphone, an electric guitar and several midi sounds from the sound card.
"Jam" has no real title. It's an improvised piece recorded on MiniDisc during a rehearsal with my former band (me and my guitar love to improvise stuff!). It is really long (15min...), but I think it's worth every second (especially from 10min onward). We never got the opportunity to shorten it down to 4min or so, which is (in my not-so-humble opinion) a real loss. Listen to it bearing in mind that we had no preparation before playing these variations (but we did play out of the blue songs like this specimen all the time...). One of the most interesting aspects about this track is the way it is constantly refreshed with new musical ideas while maintaining its own identity (ok, sometimes it just barely holds itself together...). The sound quality is a bit crappy, but loud enough so that all the people living in your neighbourhood can enjoy it too (a novel strategy of musical dissemination I devised in my free time).
"Dual Thing" was recorded in one take (lazy, lazy...) and it was played with my brother's acoustic guitar (which I had to return before it became too indecent). It is just a lousy demo but it is here just the same, because I noticed that there was space for one more song (the nerve of some people...).
"Upon Yourself" is a simpler version of a light pop song I once wrote. The original had a more complex structure, cool lyrics and a beautiful instrumental part. I only retained the basic idea and the chorus, leaving out most of its former depth in favour of a more ambient approach (mainly because it just became too hard to record the whole thing on my own). It has a very subtle keyboard (you can sometimes listen to it if you turn the volume up to the Earthquake level) and a not that subtle "noisy" background guitar which is there for 3D purposes. There's no Bass on this one (amazing, isn't it?). It is actually a guitar injected with several equalising effects whose names I can't even begin to spell.
The new and not that improved "Goth Guitar" is a demo that was going through a very difficult and troubled software post-production process (it has more tracks in it than the New Zealand phone book). My sound card has incidentally decided to go on strike which did not help (the traitor...). So, I just lost the patience and uploaded the damn thing hoping it'll pass as a proper song without really finishing it (I know this makes no sense, but Logic is a point of view; Besides I think no one reads this anyway :P ).
"Ob Session" and "Frenzy" are rather recent but had to be written entirely on music score for I don't own a synthesizer in order to insert the notes in a more uninhibited fashion (if you happen to have two...). Getting musicians to play them would of course be the real deal.
Hope you enjoy listening to them anyway.
To get a glimpse on how my sick twisted mind works, check out my blog (which is also at "" for some mysterious reason). I'll try to post often ("try" and "often" are very subjective terms...), so if you find it amusing, feel free to subscribe (and go see a shrink as soon as possible).
Is there anybody out there?