Adverteyes profile picture


The Precipitate EP (being mastered)

About Me

Our first real studio recording "Astronomically Diabolical" is up and ready for your consumption. None of us know what the fuck it is really, but its damn epic. Hope you enjoy.
(thanks to everyone who performed on the track, Jessie Bell Smith, Matt Fudge, Dylan Dawson, and Anna Rogers )
Peace Love and Fearlessness

our new song "ROYAL"

My Interests


Member Since: 7/28/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Colin Harrington- vocal, guitar,

Tyler Cooksley- bass guitar

Marcel Dube- accordian, lead guitar

mostly Colin Harrington
drums by Ausitin Gibson
sax by Ryan Bruce
additional bass by Nick Kervin
additional back up vocals by Lauren Wright

Contact: [email protected]
Influences: the beatles, ween, pink floyd, tool, radiohead, the doors, nirvana, aphex twin, david bowie, the mars volta, beck, bjork, tom waits, outkast, sonic youth, lamb, nine inch nails, super furry animals, marilyn manson, monty python, aldous huxley, vegetation, entheogens, terrence mckenna, alex grey, the buddha and friends, our families, friends, life, death, and tv
Sounds Like: cabage in a brine of gold
Type of Label: None

My Blog

pictures from oct. show

here are some pictures from our cd release party at the viynl in guelph, october 27 2006. It was Halloween! (Video from this show comming soon.)...
Posted by Adverteyes on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:14:00 PST

LYRICS (speculative fiction)

Adverteyes(Speculatice Fiction) 1.Arid2.With a Little g3.De-vine and Conquer4.Bedwettings and Genespreadings5.Made to Seam and Make Thirteen6.Ok, Allright7.Command and Concur8.Procrastapremutation9.A...
Posted by Adverteyes on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:06:00 PST