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Tessa Von Tessa

I am here for Friends

About Me

meditating on the cosmos. I wish that more people spoke in pun.

My Interests

raising hell occupies most and/or all of my time. making fun of people. being seduced by 60 yr old irish men in bars. cheap thrills. drinking wine. throwing things. shooting the shit. assymetry. music, movies, and the like. post-modern theory. judith butler. nietzsche (i sound disgustingly pretentious!). victor turner. liminality. tricksters. existentialism. art history, contemporary art. photography. russian lit. ancient greek lit. ingmar bergman. werner herzog. klaus kinski and any other self-proclaimed messiahs. nabokov. sigmar polke. anything to do with london. anything not to do with l.a. high heeled shoes. talking to the cab driver. "accidentally" pouring red wine on slutty girls in their underwear. pornography barbeques. strobing it up. dance fevers. calla lilies. staying up until 4 in the morning. "dig!" which surprisingly continues to bring me joy. throwing babies out with bath water, putting my foot in my mouth, bringing home bacon, letting cats out of bags,flogging dead horses,biting the hand that feeds me,going to hell in a hand-basket,kicking buckets,nailing my colors to masts,pouring oil on troubled waters,paying through my nose,keeping skeletons in my closet,throwing books at people,falling off wagons,spinning yarn,burying hatchets,selling things down the river, and other literal enactments of bizarre figurative expressions. throwing cheesecake at oversized and overpriced motor vehicles. ronnie james dio. cooking and eating delicious vegan grub. avocados and heirloom tomatoes.

I'd like to meet:

accomplished theremin players. a psychedelic tapestry coat or white edwardian lawn dress. wah-wah pedalers and/or peddlers. literati. glitterati. bands that I may want to book (send me a message before adding me please, I have discerning tastes).pure-hearted dancing fools. super sonic men and women. non-dolts. intelligent individuals that lack pretension. inquisitive types. like-minded l.a. folk. seattle and/or pdx expats. folks who don't take themselves too seriously. tactless wonders. alley dwellers. cake throwers. duders and the like. and last, but not least, this guy:learn him. love him.chew on this: do you think they posed michael monroe next to a statue of a hulking, rippling male physique in an attempt to be suggestive or were they instead attempting to redefine the male ideal as one that is feminized (teased hair, pouty lips, etc.)? perhaps to illustrate the shift in expectations for the ideal male figure, from the ancient greco-roman heroic model to 80's hair band glammy babe? the sad thing is, I am actually up at 2 in the morning pondering the answer to this question. l-a-m-e-r.Listen to my radio show Monday nights at 9. Love at Psychedelic Velocity, won't you, dahlings? Vigon is awesome!Not to mention this crazy number:And maybe a little Carol Channing for good measure: Pure terror, isn't she?


mostly old stuff with the occasional exception, psychedelia,garage,some stoner rock,glam,folk,that sort of thing... lee hazlewood,chocolate watchband,13th floor elevators,t.rex,the fall,sparks,blues magoos,blue cheer,the creation,screaming lord sutch,shocking blue,les lutins,os mutantes,the monks,anything produced by joe meek,the sorrows,electric prunes,blues magoos,eno, ferry, brenton wood,bob lind,the kinks,slade,the sweet,the faces,the small faces,the oblivians,roxy music,hanoi rocks,the cramps,the gories,the pretty things,donovan,the free design,the yardbirds,dead boys,big star,chris bell's solo stuff, simply saucer,the left banke,thee headcoats, the pop rivets, thee mighty caesars, any other project billy childish has been involved with,compulsive gamblers,reigning sound,electric light orchestra,the godz,west coast pop art experimental band,the human expression,unrelated segments,children of the mushroom,amon duul II,marianne faithfull,the u.s. britons,the tempos,the blue things,most releases from cicadelic records,kim fowley,jimmie rodgers,flamin' groovies,dmz,the lyres,the delmore brothers,joe & eddie,paul revere & the raiders,guitar wolf,johnny thunders,the tell-tale hearts,hank williams,harry nilsson,leonard cohen,the soundtrack to beyond the valley of the dolls,strawberry alarm clock,les fleur de lys,liberty bell,herman's hermits,the move,steve harley & cockney rebel,the zombies,the seeds,the bad seeds,the zakary thaks,atomic rooster,belfast gypsies,them,manfred mann,syd barrett,zolar X,the nomads,black lips,nikki sudden(jacobites, swell maps, et al),the stooges,the stones,squeeze,john wilkes booze,richard hell,kleenex,lefty frizzell,love,the makers,mamas and the papas,the poppy family,the raspberries,brian jonestown massacre,the hunches,robyn hitchcock,soft boys,pentagram,coven, witchcraft,the sonics,television,yma sumac,vashti bunyan,serge gainsbourg,jacques dutronc,francoise hardy,france gall,sylvie vartain,vigon,some of brigitte bardot's stuff.mohammed rafi is rad too.and 60's girl groups like the murmaids. ethiopiques, turkish psych (especially mogollar and selda), brazilian/peruvian psych and garage. i will stop now to avoid sounding like a jerk, which i'm sure i already do. oh well, i kind of am a jerk. also, the german version of 'they're coming to take me away' by Malepartus II is pretty rad. ich glaab die hole mich ab ha ha. oh yeah, and i'm heavy into the Nuge. psyche. I met Dave Day from the Monks!


Yes please, but again, discerning tastes. Anything of a psychedelic persuasion, Ingmar Bergman films, Jan Svankmajer films, the Wicker Man or anything else with Christopher Lee, Barbara Steele movies, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, anything with Peter Sellers (especially The Party and I Love You, Alice B. Toklas), Decline of Western Civilization 2: The Metal Years. There's plenty more, but I haven't got all day.


Marc Bolan's tv show "Marc" from Granada in the late seventies. Each episode is opened with "Hi, this is Marc (the tv show name) and that's me" and concluded with "See you next week, same Marc time, same Marc channel." Why do self-obsessed men have to look so good in tight leopard jumpsuits? Perhaps it is the leopard jumpsuit that causes the self obsession in the first place. Way. Little Britain and the Office (UK version) are also excellent, as well as the occasional trashy show on Vh1. I read something about "Being Bobby Brown" that recounted the following story: apparently one night when Bobby was uncontrollably drunk, his shoe somehow slipped off his foot, but his shoelace remained wrapped around his ankle, dragging his shoe behind him. Bobby proceeded to turn around several times and scream at his shoe to stop following him. I really must see this show.Someone should buy me a region free DVD player so I can watch The Mighty Boosh, even though I've seen every episode.Best show ever.


Anything by Nabokov. I have a soft-spot for tales of ribaldry and existential philosophy. Nietzsche! (use the polish pronunciation if you please). Tessa and Time Management: A Disappointing Love Affair (goes by the alternate title, Doomed from the Start: Tessa and Time Management).


he-who-wears-human-heads-as-ear-pendants (also called Red Horn).And also this guy:

My Blog

R.I.P. Dave Day

It is with a sad heart that I report that Dave Day from the Monks died of a heart attack and a subsequent massive brain injury. He was taken off life support yesterday. Sniff sniff. He was an amazing ...
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 04:56:00 PST

Walker Brothers: the new Lorazepam?

Guys and Gals- I am smack-dab in the middle of finals session, with 3 research papers to do in the next couple of weeks, 4 finals, and an ungodly amount of busy work to do in the meantime. With this o...
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 12:33:00 PST


I got to go to the Getty Research Institute's Special Collections, where I got to touch a Duchamp ("Priere de Toucher"- ironically enough), read some of Man Ray's journal from his Hollywood period- wh...
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:28:00 PST

close but so so far away

I have not "blogged it up" for quite some time now, namely because I am opposed to the concept of blogging. This is primarily due to my dislike of the word 'blog' and the relatively neurotic and ...
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 12:31:00 PST

sod off los angeles

goddamnit, i have to go back to la la land on tuesday. i have had an awesome summer in sea-town and only almost got arrested once. i'm going to miss all you dirtbags. come out this weekend to the usua...
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Sat, 27 Aug 2005 10:38:00 PST

retraction of last night's behaviors

i would like to personally apologize for the drunken madwoman i became in olympia. the funniest thing i remember was repeatedly banging a metal pole on the barbeque while holy ghost was play...
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

can dreams give you wine mouth?

"dreams are just like wine, and I am drunk with mine." nope, wait, it's definitely wine........
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

spring break shark attack!!

last night, i saw a true masterpiece of made-for-t.v. cinema entitled "Spring Break Shark Attack!" it was so astoundingly terrible that it was actually excellent. it had everything: sexy co-eds in bik...
Posted by Tessa Von Tessa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST