I have a wife and two children, and I am a music journalist with a love for all things musical. You can visit me on the web at www.DrMusic.org, and you can also visit a great music website that I write for called Are You On Something? (www.areuonsomething.com). I hope you enjoy both of the websites, and I'd love to hear what you think! Talk to you soon. Thanks!
I have received quite a few questions from some artists about what I charge to promote. I DO NOT CHARGE FOR PROMOTION. I am a fan of music, and if I choose your band to write about in an article or I get you radio airplay, it was simply because I think you are worthy and I want to help. Many of you have requested that I place a donate button here so you have the option to support what I am doing. Although I expect nothing for what I do, and I hate these stinkin' buttons, here you go: