Singing!! Teaching Singing!! Vocal Healing!! Teaching Vocal Performance, Artistry, and Communication Skills!! Music!! Alternative Healing and Self Healing!! EFT!!! Reading!! Believing!! Talking and Discussing!! Listening!! Networking!! AFFIRMATIONS!! ABRAHAM's 68 SECONDS Procedure!! LAW of ATTRACTION!! PURPLE!! LIGHTHOUSES!! Fresh WATER (lakes/bays/ponds/rivers...)!! Writing!! Crocheting!! Crystals and Stones and their healing influences!! Meditation!! Natural stone jewelry!! Coloring (soft color pencils + crayons) and Drawing!! Astrology!! Numerology!! Caramel, Butterscotch, Toffee + Praline!! Cherries, Grapes, Pineapple, and Pears!! Great Ice Cream (Baskin + Robbins 'Pralines + Cream'; Ben + Jerry's "Cherry Garcia")!! Lobster, great lobster bisque, crab, and great New England Clam Chowder!! Ezekiel Bread!! Great Egg Salad!! Steak and scrambled eggs and asparagus! Sweet Potatoes!! Hummus!! CATS!!! Chinchillas! Singing Canaries!! Cockatiels!! Giraffes! Dwarf African Frogs! Guppies!! Betta Fish -- mine don't fight, either!! Seattle!! Vancouver!! Cool, clear weather!! Auto and Train travel, esp. with a caring friend! Autumn!! Autumn colors!!
Some of my 'favorite' singers and bands: (some because of their great voices and singing technique, but ALL because of how they make me feel when they sing!!! : YMA SUMAC~~ODETTA~~Ella Fitzgerald~~Eileen Farrell~~Jan De Gaetano~~Holly Near~~Ronnie Gilbert~~Edith Piaf~~Joan Baez~~Phoebe Snow~~Sinead O'Connor~~Laura Love~~Marilyn Horne~~Joan Sutherland~~Beverly Sills~~Maty Mesple~~Shirley Verrett~~Tatiana Troyanos~~Renata Tebaldi~~Anna Moffo~~Adele Addison~~Eleanor Steber~~K.D. Lang~~Patsy Cline~~Carol Burnett~~Anne + Nancy Wilson and HEART~~Lisa Gerrard and DEAD CAN DANCE~~L7~~4 NON-BLONDES~~MANHATTAN TRANSFER~~The SWINGLE SINGERS~~Laurie Cyz and SAPIENT~~Tracey Sage and SAGE4~~Anna Fermin and TRIGGER GOSPEL~~Madison Rhoades~~October Crifasi and FIFTY FOOT WOMAN~~Kelly Clarkson~~Placido DOMINGO~~Jon Vickers~~Samuel Ramey~~Josef Schultz~~Bryn Terfel~~Jose Feliciano~~Roy Orbison~~Kris Kristofferson~~Nat King Cole~~Andy Williams~~Perry Como~~SIMON + GARFUNKEL~~Geoff Tate and QUEENSRHYCHE~~Ronnie James DIO~~James Hetfield and METALLICA~~Eddie Vedder and PEARL JAM~~TEMPLE OF THE DOG~~Ed Kowalczyk and LIVE~~DREAM THEATRE~~LILLIAN AXE~~Jon Dobbs and RADAKKA~~Larry Russell and INSANIA~~Steve Taylor and BOOTLEG~~Eric Lambert~~Adrian Dinu and BLUE GENIUS/FLAVORED PAIN~~Terry Higgins and MATRIX/INDICA~~Andy Driscoll and LOVE RUG~~Rich Rozek and DORIAN GRAY~~Matt Mercado and DAISY CHAIN/MIND BOMB~~
THE SECRET ( WOW!!!~~ Out on a Limb (Shirley MacLaine)~~ What the Bleep Do We Know!~~ ABRAHAM thru Esther + Jerry Hicks THE SECRET BEFORE THE SECRET, and, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION~~ GANDHI~~ My Left Foot~~ My Life Without Me~~ To Dance With The White Dog~~ Kundun~~ The Razor's Edge~~ Waking Life~~ A Lesson Before Dying~~ Stealing Beauty~~ A Map of the World~~ Passion Fish~~ Stuck on You~~ A Family Thing~~ The Straight Story~~ Life as a House~~ I Never Promised You a Rose Garden~~ Born Free~~ Out of Africa~~ Iris [Murdoch]~~ Vera Drake~~ The Magdalen Sisters~~ Twin Sisters~~ Message in a Bottle~~ The Business of Fancydancing~~ Smoke Signals~~ Dead Man~~ Dead Man Walking~~ Rabbit-Proof Fence~~ Snow Falling on Cedars~~ The Station Agent~~ Mystic River~~ Mask~~ The Whales of August~~ Salmonberries~~ 84 Charing Cross Road~~ The Barbarian Invasions~~ To Walk with Lions~~ Whale Rider~~ Friendly Persuasion (1956)~~ Wit~~ I Am Sam~~ Now, Voyager (1942)~~ Anatomy of a Murder (1959)~~ Sweet Smell of Success (1957)~~ March of the Penquins~~ The Parrots of Parrot Hill~~ Warm Springs~~ The Sea Inside~~ Shaolin Ulysses: Kung Fu Monks in America~~ Feng Shui~~ The Sound of Music~~ Thoroughly Modern Millie~~ Shine~~ The Rose~~ The Company~~ Broadway: The Golden Age~~ Rodgers & Hammerstein: The Sound of Movies~~ Fever: The Music of Peggy Lee~~ Peggy Lee: Singing at Her Best~~ Ella Fitzgerald: Something to Live For~~ Judy Garland: The Concert Years~~ Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows~~ Roy Orbison: Black + White Night~~ Marilyn Horne: A Reminiscence~~ Callas Forever~~ Maria Callas: La Divina: A Portrait~~ The Consul -- opera by Menotti~~ The Turandot Project~~ Hilary and Jackie~~ K.D. Lang: Harvest of Seven Years -- Cropped & Chronicled~~ Ray~~ Aerosmith: The Making of PUMP~~ Queensrhyche: Building Empires~~ Scorpions: World Wide Live~~ DIO: Evil or Divine~~ Metallica: A Year + a Half in the Life of Metallica~~ Metallica: Some Kind of Monster~~ Classic Albums: Metallica: The Black Album~~
Jeopardy!~~Oprah~~ROCK STAR: INXS (the quality of the singers and the songs they chose for themselves were often spectacular!! It was great to see some of them really develop over the weeks, while, unfortunately, a couple of very good/great singers really weakened near the end under the pressures... And, OH, the HOUSE BAND rocked!!! Such a great, great band!!)~~ROCK STAR: SUPERNOVA (the quality of singers has been quite high! And, OH, the HOUSE BAND is spectacular, tremendous, fabulous!! What GREAT sound!!!)~~American Idol (to get to see some singers for about 15 weeks or so and see them develop and cope with major stresses and different kinds of music -- and, to hone my constructive critique-ing skills!!)~~SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE(it is amazing how great these dancers are, when they are good!!!)~~Dancing With the Stars~~Ballroom Dancing on PBS~~Starting Over~~ER~~Chicago Hope~~St. Elsewhere~~Dr. Casey~~(most doctor/medical shows, old + new!)~~The Carol Burnett Show~~Ed Sullivan~~As Time Goes By~~Pet Keeping with Marc Marrone~~most wildlife, animals, and nature shows~~America's Funniest Home Videos~~20/20~~Washington Week~~To The Contrary~~Bill Moyers on Faith and Reason~~The VOICES and VISIONS Series on PBS~~Dr. Phil~~Gilmore Girls~~DaVinci's Inquest~~Law + Order: Criminal Intent~~Boston Legal~~The Practice~~Perry Mason~~The Defenders~~MISS MARPLE (with Joan Hickson!!)~~(i.e., most lawyer shows...)~~America's Test Kitchen~~Christina Cooks [great natural + healing foods + cooking methods for health + healing, featuring singer-songwriter Jon Michaels;]~~Figure Skating~~Gymnastics~~Diving~~Bowling~~The OLYMPICS~~
OUT ON A LIMB by Shirley MacLaine~~THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS by Deepak Chopra~~THE ARTIST'S WAY: “A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity†by Julia Cameron~~THE VEIN OF GOLD: “A Journey to Your Creative Heart†by Julia Cameron~~ASK & IT IS GIVEN: “Learning to Manifest Your Desires†by Abraham through Esther + Jerry Hicks~~THE AMAZING POWER OF DELIBERATE INTENT: “Living the Art of Allowing†by Esther + Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)~~THE ART OF HAPPINESS by The Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler, MD~~THE MINDBODY PRESCRIPTION by John Sarno, MD~~HEAL YOUR BODY: “The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them†by Louise Hay~~YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE by Louise Hay~~EAT RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE: “4 Blood Types, 4 Diets†by Dr. Peter D'Adamo~~THE SCHWARTZBEIN PRINCIPLE: “Truth About Losing Weight, Being Healthy†by Diana Schwarzbein, MD (possibly the best book ever written about metabolism and nutrition)~~EFFORTLESS MASTERY: “Liberating the Master Musician Within†by Kenny Werner~~WHO MOVED MY CHEESE: “A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Work/Life†by Spencer Johnson, MD~~THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz~~CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD by Neale Donald Walsch~~I COULD DO ANYTHING IF I ONLY KNEW WHAT IT WAS by Barbara Sher & Barbara Smith~~YOU'RE NOT SICK, YOU'RE THIRSTY: “Water For Health, For Healing, For Life†by F. Batmanghelidj, MD~~THE HEALING OF EMOTION by Chris Griscom~~FREEDOM AT YOUR FINGERTIPS: “Get Rapid Physical & Emotional Relief with the Breakthrough System of Tapping†-- Great EFT info~~THE DARK SIDE OF THE LIGHT CHASERS: “Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams†by Debbie Ford~~ONE MINUTE FOR YOURSELF by Spencer Johnson, MD~~THINK AND GROW RICH: “Money-making Secrets That Can Change Your Life†by Napoleon Hill~~ASTROLOGY FOR THE SOUL by Jan Spiller~~A MAN'S BOOK OF THE SPIRIT: “Daily Meditations for a Mindful Life†by Bill Alexander~~THE CELESTINE PROPHECY by James Redfield~~ // THE ROCK'N'ROLL SINGER'S SURVIVAL MANUAL by Mark Baxter (I recommend this book as Excellent for ALL types of singers –- easy and inspiring to read and assimilate and USE!)~~THE CONTEMPORARY SINGER: “Elements of Vocal Technique with a practice CD†by Anne Peckham~~YOU ARE YOUR INSTRUMENT, with a Video, by Julie Lyonn Lieberman~~SINGING FOR THE STARS (Training book with 2 CDs) by Seth Riggs~~A SOPRANO ON HER HEAD by Eloise Ristad (Release YOUR VOICE!! Fun, wonderful book!)~~CHANGE YOUR VOICE, CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Morton Cooper (Voice Help especially for SPEAKERS!)~~MODERN TECHNIQUES OF VOCAL REHABILITATION by Morton Cooper~~PROFESSIONAL VOICE: “The Science and Art of Clinical Care†by Robert T. Sataloff, MD~~DISCOVER YOUR VOICE by Oren L. Brown, w/CD~~THE VOICE BOOK by Michael McCallion (How to know what's not working right...)~~SINGING: THE MECHANISM and THE TECHNIC by William Vennard~~LEARNING TO SING NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC by Ronald Combs & Robert Bowker (good Mic Techique info)~~FOUNDATIONS OF THE SINGER'S ART by Victor Alexander Fields~~OPERA FOR DUMMIES with CD, by Pogue and Speck~~AUDITION by Michael Shurtleff (Everything you need to know about HOW to audition -- and job interview!)~~ZEN GUITAR by Philip Toshio Sudo (unlock the song from within yourself –-singers and guitarists; an amazingly interesting and easy-to-read-in-small-bits book!)~~PRACTICING FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS: “You Are Your Own Teacher!!†by H. Snitkin, PhD (some great info for ALL singers and musicians, not just 'young' ones!!)~~THE INNER GAME OF MUSIC by Barry Green, with W. Timothy Gallway~~ // CRAFT and BUSINESS OF SONGWRITING by John Braheny (YES!! BEST book on songwriting!)~~BEGINNING SONGWRITERS ANSWER BOOK by Paul Zollo~~CREATING MELODIES by Dick Weissman (A real How-To -– the only book on melody-writing)~~THECRAFT OF LYRIC WRITING by Sheila Davis~~HOW TO WRITE A HIT SONG: “Complete Guide to Writing and Marketing Chart-Topping Lyrics and Music†by Molly-Ann Leikin~~ //
SINGING TEACHERS/ADVISORS I'VE LOVED and TREASURED: Calvin Dash~~Iride Pilla~~Alfred Nash Patterson~~Rita V. Beattie~~Lynn Clarke Meyers~~David Blair McCloskey~~Phyllis Curtin~~Boris Goldovsky~~Yma Sumac (from her recordings!)~~Nana~~Dad~~Deeply loving gratitude and grace to some of the dear teachers and singers in my life of singing and teaching and Loving~~ //ABRAHAM through Esther and Jerry Hicks; SETH through Jane Roberts and Robert Butts~~//Beloved, Treasured, and Appreciated Counselor/Friend: Nancy Good, who is worth her weight and nurturing, loving, healing "good"ness in gold and platinum and grand pianos!!! I thank Nancy for so much help she's shared with me over the years. //SOME of my dearly loved friends who have nurtured and blessed me with their sharing and generosity: Laurie and Don Cyz ~~ Sue and Bob Noble and Mark and Helen ~~ Inga and Hans Synnestvedt and Erik, Anita, and Kristin ~~ Camilla Krueger ~~ Kerry Simonian ~~ Adrian Dinu ~~ Scott Itter ~~ Jacquie Justice ~~ Randy Wolferding ~~ Michelle Kalisiak ~~ Lloyd Tharel ~~ J. Gregory Graves ~~ Tracey Sage ~~ Mike Vester ~~ Nelson Velazquez ~~ Luis Garcia ~~ Irene Petri ~~ Tom Day ~~ Carl Harrison ~~ Michael Siff ~~ Anna Fermin ~~ //