WORLDS AWAY is KEYBOARDIST/ SINGER/SONGWRITER DAVE McNAMARA & DRUMMER/ LYRICIST TIM FULLER . Formed in 1998, the duo has been writing & performing music together. Dave & Tim teamed up with Guitarists Charlie Hamilton & Rich Tucker as well as Bassists Dennis Blattenburger & Rich Nicholas to record there debut C.D. in 2000. Dave & Tim have grown together over the past 7 yrs and although the music still has the rock/powerpop style, its become a lot more progressive as well. We are currently searching for a permanent guitarist & bassist to complete WORLDS AWAY "the band".We have written several songs, but would also like the in coming members to collaborate on some new material as well. Keep checking our site for new songs, photos ,& updates from the band. Dave & Tim would like to thank all our new friends on My Space and looking forward to you hearing the 2007 version of WORLDS AWAY