In a world of often despairing news, ad-free, non-profit YES! Magazine offers a different view - a view of what's working. Now in its 11th year, YES! spotlights and celebrates your efforts in building a just and sustainable world. Each issue of YES! explores a timely theme, delving into leading-edge ideas, as well as providing resources for getting involved.
Here’s what Project Censored has to say about YES! being “the standard†for positive stories about meaningful change:
“For years, Project Censored researchers have looked to YES! Magazine as the standard for this emerging trend in journalism. Since 1996, the people of YES! have done the deep investigations and dug up the stories around the world which remind people that the possibilities for change are not just an abstraction, they are real and happening.
Few of the stories from YES! Magazine hit the mainstream … But their work has helped spark an underground movement that isn’t waiting for the mainstream to catch up.â€
10 SIGNS OF HOPE: Stories of Action and Change We Didn’t Hear About in 2006 and 2007†from Project Censored’s upcoming book CENSORED 2008. Sneak Preview of the Book:
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