pool, poker, movies, hiking, travel, dining, cooking, writing, reading, meeting new people.
someone to back my poker playing
Rascal Flatts, Evanescence, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Indigo Girls, REM, Elton John, Justin Timberlake and anything country
Frailty, Casablanca, Stand by Me, Dead Poets Society, Running on Empty, Seven, Misery, Titanic.
DANCE ON SUNSET, Lost, 24, WSOP, WPT, ER, Survivor, Prison Break, One Tree Hill, Friday Night Lights, Emeril Live!
15 Minutes of Fame: Becoming a Star in the YouTube Revolution, Hollywood 101, The Hollywood Way, Short Films 101, The Ultimate Boy Band Book ...oh....other peoples' books?Anything by Ellis, especially Rules of Attraction; Snow garden by Christopher Rice; Perks of being a Wallflower by Steve Chbosky, Harrington on Hold'em by Dan Harrington.
holding out for a hero