About Me
Myriam Hungria é contrabaixista que integra o Grupo ARA. O Grupo ARA é o resultado da formação e influências musicais de Myriam Hungria e de Dinan Machado. Formado em 1987, o grupo se apresentou durante 3 anos no Brasil, alcançando grande popularidade e já deixando transparecer a tendência musical que hoje expressa nas elaboradas melodias, nas nuances harmônicas e nos arranjos coloridos.
Em 1990, Myriam Hungria e Dinan Machado partem para a Europa onde vivem durante 4 anos. Com a participação de músicos europeus, cubanos, argentinos e brasileiros, montam um trabalho com composições próprias apresentando-se em várias cidades européias como Londres, Stratford, Liverpool, Madrid, Córdoba, Sevilha, Valência, Alicante, Santander, Bruxelas, Zurich, Wiltz e Helsinki, onde fizeram uma temporada de 3 meses.
De volta ao Brasil em 1994, o grupo ARA tem se apresentado em teatros e eventos culturais por todo o Brasil sempre buscando a originalidade.
O CD e o show No espÃrito do tempo é o mais recente trabalho que reúne composições e arranjos de Myriam Hungria e de Dinan Machado. O CD traz a atual sonoridade do Grupo ARA e contou com a participação de grandes músicos como: Roberto Sion (sax soprano e flauta), Léa Freire (flauta), VinÃcius Dorin(sax tenor), Maguinho (bateria), Keco Brandão (teclado), Sérgio Machado (bateria) e Filó Machado (voz).
Myriam já participou de trabalhos com vários artistas tais como o premiado guitarrista Olmir Stocker (Alemão), Wilson Simonal, Jane Duboc, Elza Soares e Filó Machado **************************************************
ARA was formed in 1987 as a result of a musical project led by Myriam Hungria and Dinan Machado. ARA performed in Brazil for three years, delighting audiences with their very distinctive musical style, now fully mature, consisting of elaborate melodies, harmonic nuances and colourful arrangements.
In 1990 MH and DM went to Europe where they lived for 4 years and carried on composing and performing their own songs. Together with a variety of musicians not only from Europe but also from Argentina, Cuba and Brazil, they had gigs in many European cities such as London, Stratford, Liverpool, Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Valencia, Alicante, Santander, Brussels, Zurich, Wiltz and Helsinki, where they performed for three months.
Since their return to Brazil in 1994, MH and DM performed with their band ARA in theatres and other cultural venues all over the country. The CD “No espÃrito do tempo†(in the spirit of time) is their most recent product with their own songs, displaying the very original sonority of their arrangements. Some great musicians took part in this CD, such as Roberto Sion (soprano sax and flute), Léa Freire (flute), VinÃcius Dorin (tenor sax), Maguinho (drums), Keco Brandão (keyboard), Sérgio Machado (drums) and Filó Machado (voice).
Myriam Hungria taught herself the guitar as a little girl and soon started to develop a particular interest in creating her own tunes. Later on Myriam discovered the bass guitar, now her main instrument. Among the many renowned singers she has accompanied are Elza Soares, Wilson Simonal and Jane Duboc. During 5 years Miriam Hungria and Dinan Machado played in Filó Machado’s band.
Dinan Machado plays the acoustic guitar (nylon or steel strings) and electric guitar, and besides being an accomplished instrumentalist is also a composer with a sharp musical perception. Dinan is self-taught and has done studio work and collaborated with many well-known artists such as Filó Machado.