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I am a writer with a day job (but know you can't really be rich being a writer, hence the day job) that does freelance work for the great BOOKSLUT website ( I work as a reviewer and feature writer for Bookslut. I live with my boyfriend (who's a great musician who's in the band OSGOODS) in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Travelling is what I love most next to writing (plus it gives you good material for stories.)I read more blogs than I do blog myself. I get very irritated when I haven't had time to write like I know I"m supposed to. I love learning and teaching. I love the ocean and the snow. I have Crohn's Disease and have since I was 14. I love music and support local bands as well as signed artists. Documentaries and indy filmmaking are the best kinds of movies to watch. I have a blog (that I don't update everyday)
What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.
Free Countdown Clocks at ..

My Interests

Writing, working out, being inspired when I read a good story or I see how much time and effort has been put into someone's story or book, experimental fiction, reading, watching movies with Anthony, falling asleep watching movies with Anthony, read, teach college students, egg beaters w/ham, don't like to be cold; warm showers, UGG boots, swimming competitively again, lyrics that inspire me to write better, writing letters, eating Lucky Charms, french pastries, driving to relax (which is ironic since I live in Los Angeles), indy rock and the OSGOODS, jazz, french (wine, books, art, food); going out to eat, playing Scrabble and Boggle, roller coasters, fried chicken (only the kind my mom makes), mashed potatoes, mexican food always, creme brulee, margaritas, keeping people in my life who are positive and who will stand by you, writing, reading and more writing--working hard to achieve your dreams, supporting environmental, political and health related issues; but most importantly, being an advocate for CCFA (Crohn's and Colitis Foundation.) Living with Crohn's has made me reach out to others with this disease and to be as informative as possible to those who have yet to discover what Crohn's Disease is and how it affects the lives of those who have it and those around them

I'd like to meet:

Aristotle, Jasper Johns, Shakespeare & Bill Clinton


osgoods, djcam, esthero, doves, mankato, aqualung, bellx1, imogen heap, Air, ed harcourt, jonatha brooke, diana krall, brazilian girls, starsailor, jack johnson, beck, audioslave, madeline peyroux, michelle shocked, suzanne vega, Damien Rice, radiohead, phoenix, miles davis, 80's music, depeche mode, keane, erasure, remy zero, lauryn hill, elvis costello (this year's girl), neil diamond, barbra streisand, postal service, belle & sebastian, new order, pink martini, shawn colvin, nil lara, paris combo, coldplay, deathcab for cutie, arcade fire, franz ferdinand, the 88, the harpeth trace, stevie wonder, rufus wainwright, jeff buckley, kelli clarkson, dixie chicks, barenaked ladies, edie brickell, rickie lee jones, talking heads, david byrne, david gray, elliot smith, athlete, sigur ros, patty griffin, harry connick, jr, beastie boys, blackeyed peas, snoop, frank sinatra, tony bennett, ella fitzgerald, nat king cole, big band music, there are others but I can't think of everything!


It's pretty hard to list my favorite movies because they change and I love a lot of things about a lot of movies for different reasons. Here are only a few of my favs: All John Hughes movies, Uncle Buck, Bugsy, Funny Girl, Waiting for Guffman, Tootsie, French Kiss, Kill Bill, Sound of Music, Roxanne, Big, Almost Famous, When Harry Met Sally, Meryl Streep Movies, Annette Bening movies, Something's Gotta Give, The GODFATHER(Part 1& 2), Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Can't Buy Me Love, American Beauty, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Anchorman, School of Rock, Amelie


The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, Comedy Central shows, Friends reruns, Sex in the City, Family Guy, Simpsons, Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, Days of our Lives, Da Ali G Show, The Office (the UK version), Huff, Weeds


I won't list specific books here, but rather the authors whose work I admire/enjoy: Charlie Baxter, Tod Goldberg, James Joyce, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Aimee Bender, Jonathan Ames, Maile Maloy, Richard Ford, David Benioff, David Bezmogsis, David Foster Wallace, Daniel Alarcon, AM Homes, Italo Calvino, Joanna Scott, Bruce Bauman, Steve Erickson, Paul Mandelbaum, John Fante, Gina Frangello, George Saunders, Robert Coover, Gertrude Stein, Ben Marcus, Heidi Julavits, Miranda July, Lyn Hejinian, Diane Williams, Jane Unrue, Matthew Derby, Rikki Ducornet, Gary Lutz, Ander Monson, Elizabeth Crane, Brian Evenson, Salvador Plascencia, Brandon Hobson, and my good friend Danielle Dutton (there are others but I won't list them all.)


A hero is such a strange thing to me--because aside from superhero heroes, I don't know that there are heros like the firemen from 9/11 in my life, but there are people who have made a major impact on my life. And there are people who inspire me and people that I admire. Those people for me are: Anyone who lives with Crohn's Disease, my parents, people who follow their dreams and take a stand in life with their art, talent and make their voices heard, but most of all, Anthony--he rescued me and made my life so much better!

My Blog

Literary News!

Go check out this month for reviews by me and my interview with Believer Magazine Editor/Author Heidi Julavits. Be looking for an upcoming interview with my friend Danie...
Posted by Angela on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:31:00 PST


yes, I forgot to put links to Bookslut  ( in my last post and for the Los Angeles power-band, OSGOODS ( That's what happens when you don't sleep enough!...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 04 May 2006 09:51:00 PST


There's just not enough time in the day to get all the reading and writing done. But I'm telling you that you must check out the A.M. Homes review at Bookslut for the May issue which should be up this...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 04 May 2006 09:48:00 PST

Look Out!

Hey all, Bookslut will be running my interview with author and comedian extraordinaire, Jonathan Ames for the upcoming March issue which should post in a couple days or so. Also a review of Brandon Ho...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 09:45:00 PST

My "real" blog

You all should check out my real blog at: I write usually 1-3 times a week but want to do it more. But if any of you all are into books and witty/smart commentary on s...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 06:17:00 PST