I think this says it all..
Important information:
Click this to enjoy Townsend's amazing laugh..
The Ballet talents of the Lovely Miss A with her starter Entourage of one.
The Truth About Drugs.. ..
You Are
48.5% Abnormal
You are forgetful. It is somewhat likely that you have gingko biloba in the house,
but you can't remember.
You have a borderline personality. It is very likely that you are a chaotic mess
and yet neat and orderly.
You are most likely to give yourself the silent treatment when you disagree with
your own opinion.
You are at high risk for making a social faux pas. You laugh heartily when
someone falls, but you don't care because you have no friends and you hate
your in-laws, so fuck them.
You are at very high risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. You are addicted to
diet 7-up, Cell phones, mirrors, and constantly ask your husband to taste
things that smell rotten in the refrigerator to see if they've gone bad.
About Kiki
If you can type, but can't spell...don't bother.
I love dogs, but hate cats. Don't try to convince me otherwise.
I'm double jointed.
Manual transmissions bore me. If I wanted to put that much effort into a car, I'd change the oil.
I can't sew and I don't iron.
I don't want to be associated with anyone that has a ferret as a pet.
I'm a firm believer in eBay and Overstock.com.
People who lack a sense of humor make me tired.
I'm kind to strangers, children and firemen.
Pet Peeves:
People who tape up busted tail lights with duct tape or red cellophane.
Referring to individual soldiers as TROOPS
Typing in random upper and lowercase letters. Stop it.
Boxing is not a sport. To punch someone until they're unconscious is Tuesday, in Compton.
The Olive Garden
Magic. I don't care how it's done.
People who yell when they yawn
Clowns and anyone with puppets
People who stare at you in elevators
Rude Salespeople
My late mailman
People who spit
Floral bathroom air freshners. It might start out as potpourri, but it ends up "turd garden"
Men who have plucked and waxed until they have "girl brows"
If you can't see over the steering wheel or you're wearing a hat - get off the road.
If you type LOL on anything you send me, I want to smash your face in.
If you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", don't type it.
Pathetic idiots who litter their dash and rear window with plush toys.
You Are 6% Happy You are a very happy person, unless you're feeling sad.
Generally, you feel with your hands and fingers.
Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up and throw yourself off a building.