MASTERPIECE was born in Genoa in 2002 by an idea of people active since years in discographic productions or other fields concerning music. Our first goal is renewing a scene and a market that need lots of passion and devotion, flexibility and precise skills.Our work consists on promoting and distributing indipendent "musical products". Our skill is based on our musical tastes such as Metal (particularly directed to the extreme wing of the kind) and Gothic in every variation (Electro, Folk, Wave, Industrial,…); of course our competence concerns all about rock and indies in general. As a consequence, we work with extreme passion and competence.We are promoters and exclusive distributors for a great number of labels in Italy and some across Europe, wholesalers, importers (for whom we don't have any exclusive right) and exporters worldwide; we dispatch material through mailorder by phone and internet to complete our widespread distribution.We offer a strong support to our partners and customers to improve their important work of sale and assistence to the final customer; we also offer high-quality products, promoted and developed with special care to satisfy the needs of a more and more skilled public.Our method of work takes care of the needs of the market, the customers and the partners we offer direct (fax, e-mail service) and indirect (by our official website and every form of promotion and information by media) assistence.Infection Code- Sweet Taste of Sickness- New VideoclipI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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