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Rosa Antica were formed in Torino in September 2005 when five musicians with diverse backgrounds in local bands (Crepuscular Decadance - Bleed - D2A - Zenit - Sin Done), came together. Their aim is to create an original sound, mixing various influences and the technical experiences that the band has acquired. Looking to create their own identity in the extreme heavy metal field, they have produced the title “Alternative Death Metalâ€, where the term “alternative†contains all of the different aspects of metal and other genres, combining death metal riffs, growling vocals, gothic shades, psychedelic touches and reflexive, evocative lyrics. In April 2006, they began to rehearse and record a five track EP called “Looking for something divine†produced at the Fusix Studio with Andrea Fusini. Powerful, surrounding guitars, acoustic intermezzos, dynamic and precise bass and drums make up the rhythmic section. Keyboard lines and a voice that changes from a dirty growl to something cleaner are the characteristics of the CD, five songs, five separate chapters, where the song structure adopts diverse forms whilst always maintaining a melodic aspect. They have received excellent reviews in specialised music magazines and on webzine, and the public always shows a great interest in the music that the band produces. The band performs new and old songs on different stages of their own city. They have also played many festivals such as Pollution Fest, supporting Mindsnare and the Polish group Darzamat, the travelling festival PepperMusic Fest, and outside of Torino with the band Kuroi from Verona. At the beginning of 2007 the band had an important breakthrough when the Italian record label “MY KINGDOM MUSIC†contacted them and proposed a record deal for their first album titled SEVEN, which will be released on the 5th of September 2007. SUPPORT TORINO - SUPPORT ROSA ANTICAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I Rosa Antica nascono a Torino nel settembre 2005 dall'incontro di cinque ragazzi, all'epoca coinvolti in altri progetti (Crepuscolar Decadence - Bleed - Dying Awkward Angel - Zenit - Sin.Done).
Vista la notevole intesa anche al dì fuori dell'ambito musicale, decidono di iniziare a comporre pezzi propri cercando di fondere al meglio le varie e tante influenze musicali personali (heavy metal, death metal, black metal, thrash metal, grind, nu old school, industrial, gothic, alternative,...).
Dopo aver creato quelli che in molti definiscono "un sound decisamente personale, un connubuio fra armonia e violenza", nel 2006 vede la luce il primo Ep autoprodotto "Looking for Something Divine" il quale ha ricevuto moltissimi consensi sia da parte della critica specializzata che dalle numerose persone accorse ai tanti live organizzati a partire da maggio 2006.
(Rock Hard - Aprile 2007