..The Forum .. 001.Suicide
I am going to see these people again. Jacob Dean Riker, Sandra Kay Sutton, and Felicia Ann Dary [Feliciasfriends.org]
They are all three now with the father.
My favorite song in the world is called "The Fried Potato Salad Theme Song." haha! you won't get that and I can guarantee you won't find it here on myspace.[click images to make bigger, I promise its not a waste of time]
My current favorites are Instant Star and That 70's Show.
I love to read you digg?The last two books I read were Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer and Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah.I am currently reading Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah.
God Jesus and the bible peeps...and The People on the list below I will try to keep to only people I have met or talked to or had some form of correspondents with. this will be a list that will be constantly changing and it will never include everyone that it should.
Jessica is inspirational and caring. she has the same calling as myself(youth pastor) and she is someone who has embraced it a bit better then myself and has helped me. anytime I ever need help or guidance I know she will be there.<333 I don't know who the guy is but Sarah dearest looked really happy in this one. Sarah is amazing and 8th grade was the bomb. She helped me learn how to be comfortable with myself...something I never really realized until here recently. Also if it wasn't for her and her meat-free ways I would have never become a vegetarian and I wouldn't go vegan probably later in life. Being veg is somehting I feel very moved by and I would be someone completely different and heartless if I wasn't probably. idk maybe not that bad but I think I got my point across. Thank you Sarah for helping to shape me into the person I am today! I met Bradley when he was working the merch table before his show. He is by far my favorite poet and he is a pretty cool kidd. When I am not loaning his book to friends it never leaves my bag. He writes amazing poems about everything from break-ups to what his impression of a manly man is. Poems about whats wrong with the scene and bear hugs from Jesus(my favorite). He is not afraid of talking about the love of God onstage infront of large crowds that may not be too overjoyed with talk of the savior. He is not quiet about his faith and neither shoudld we all. I have only talked to Zach here on myspace but he is truly amazing. He is 16 years old(same as me) and has already contributed so much to the world. He started the non-profit Loose Change to Loosen Chains when he was only 12 and his book Be The Change(a truly inspiring book) is out now. He is an inspiration to the youth of America, showing us that no matter how young we are, we too can live a life devoted to the Lord and achieving justice for all. I have only met Leeland (Mooring) and Mike but I think all of Leeland (the band) is amazing. They live their lives for God and have been given there talents from the Lord. Like the second servant in the parable they do not hide there "talents" but use them to glorify the Lord. They want Christians to be loud so lets not let them down!